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Help shape the future of the Parliamentary Archives

6 February 2015 (updated on 6 February 2015)

Image of UK Parliament portcullis

Since 1860 the Archives has been housed in the Victoria Tower in the Palace of Westminster. While this site provides an historic backdrop for the collections, the layout of the Tower makes collections storage both inefficient and cramped. In addition, space for research, exhibitions and tours is severely limited.

As the Palace looks to carry out significant and much-needed restoration work, there is an opportunity for the Archives to consider finding a new home. This would reduce risk to the collections, allow more people to engage with the archives, and generate a deeper understanding of the work of Parliament in the past and today.

The future of the Parliamentary Archives survey

To help us to make the best decision about the future of the Parliamentary Archives, we would like to know what you think. We would welcome hearing your views and would be grateful if you would complete a short, five minute survey. You do not need to have visited the Archives to take part.

About the Parliamentary Archives

The Parliamentary Archives is the oldest collection of its kind in the world. It contains four million records and includes some of the most important historical documents in the world, including the 1649 Death Warrant of Charles I, the Bill of Rights and the Great Reform Act.

Further information