Mental health provision: Lords general debate
16 January 2015
Members of the Lords, including a member of the Medical Research Council and a former council leader, debated the importance of mental health provision on Thursday 15 January.
Many members spoke of the progress made in the provision of mental health services in the last five years, making the case for a cross-government mental health and wellbeing strategy from 2015 onwards.
Subjects raised during the debate included:
- the economic case for increased funding for mental health services
- the role of schools in protecting and promoting children's mental health and emotional wellbeing
- increased guidance on dual diagnosis - how people with multiple and complex needs are often overlooked in the current system
- mental health services in the criminal justice system.
Baroness Jolly (Liberal Democrat), responded on behalf of the government. She spoke of the principle of parity of esteem, the equal priority for mental and physical health set out in the 2011 mental health strategy, and confirmed the government's commitment to making mental health services a priority.
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