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Total results 168 (page 8 of 12)
BBC annual report and accounts 2014-15 examined
Culture, Media and Sport Committee holds one-off evidence session with BBC representatives
10 September 2015
Image of UK Parliament portcullis
Ymatebion y Llywodraeth i adroddiadau ar iechyd traws-ffiniol a charchardai
Y Pwyllgor Materion Cymreig yn cyhoeddi ymatebion y Llywodraeth i adroddiadau ar garchardai a iechyd traws-ffiniol.
10 September 2015
Image of UK Parliament portcullis
Government responses to cross-border health and prisons reports published
Welsh Affairs Committee publishes the Government responses to cross-border health and prisons reports
10 September 2015
Image of UK Parliament portcullis
Chairman writes urgent letter about relocation of migrants debate
Sir William Cash writes to Leader of the House requesting debate on relocation of migrants and other outstanding debates
10 September 2015
Image of UK Parliament portcullis
"Why are so many house building targets missed?" Committee asks experts
Committee takes evidence from housing experts on 10 September at 10:10am
10 September 2015
Image of UK Parliament portcullis
Lords Committee question experts on EU's foreign and security policy
EU External Affairs Sub-Committee takes evidence on Thursday 10 September at 10.05am
10 September 2015
Image of UK Parliament portcullis
UK Government's renegotiation of EU membership: parliamentary sovereignty and scrutiny
European Scrutiny Committee announce inquiry looking at parliamentary sovereignty of renegotiating EU membership
10 September 2015
Image of UK Parliament portcullis
Chair's statement on financial institutions landscape
Meg Hillier, Public Accounts Committee Chair, issues statement on financial institutions landscape
10 September 2015
Image of UK Parliament portcullis
Decision on Afghan interpreters 'wholly unacceptable'
10 September 2015
Notice of date of examination of Additional Provision 2
Notice of date of examination of Additional Provision 2
09 September 2015
Image of UK Parliament portcullis
Contracts and conditions in the NHS and #WeNurses chat
Parliament debates e-petition on contracts and conditions in the NHS in Westminster Hall. #WeNurses online debate to inform MPs taking part.
09 September 2015
Cyfrifoldebau Ysgrifennydd Gwladol Cymru
Pwyllgor Materion Cymreig yn cymryd tystiolaeth gan Stephen Crabb
09 September 2015
Responsibilities of the Secretary of State for Wales evidence session
Welsh Affairs Committee takes evidence from Rt Hon Stephen Crabb MP
09 September 2015
Image of UK Parliament portcullis
Jobs and Livelihoods - Government response
International Development Committee publishes special report on Thursday 10 September
09 September 2015
Inquiry launched into Whitehall's Relationship with Kids Company
Committee announces terms of reference for its inquiry into Kids Company
09 September 2015
Total results 168 (page 8 of 12)