Lords debates EU referendum
7 July 2016
Members of the Lords, including the independent reviewer of national security arrangements in Northern Ireland, a professor of contemporary British history and two former chancellors of the exchequer, debated the outcome of the European Union referendum on Tuesday 5 and Wednesday 6 July.
Debate day two: Wednesday 6 July
- Catch up on Parliament TV
- Read the Lords Hansard transcript
- Lords Library note - Leaving the EU: Parliament's Role in the Process
- Lords EU Committee report - The process of withdrawing from the European Union
Debate day one: Tuesday 5 July
- Catch up on Parliament TV
- Read the Lords Hansard transcript (morning session)
- Read the Lords Hansard transcript (afternoon session)
This was a general debate. During debates, members are able to put their experience to good use, discussing current issues and drawing the government's attention to concerns.
Reflecting the interest members have in this topic and surrounding issues, over 120 members of the Lords signed up to speak. Their backgrounds highlight the breadth of experience of members, including ex-Cabinet members and experts in legal affairs, international diplomacy, and constitutional history.
The debate was proposed by Baroness Stowell of Beeston (Conservative), Leader of the House of Lords.
Members taking part included:
- Lord Carlile of Berriew (Liberal Democrat), independent reviewer of national security arrangements in Northern Ireland
- Lord Hain (Labour), former minister for Europe
- Lord Kerr of Kinlochard (Crossbench), former UK permanent representative to the EU and head of the UK diplomatic service
- Lord Lawson of Blaby (Conservative), former chancellor of the exchequer and chair of Vote Leave
Baroness Anelay of St Johns (Conservative), minister of state for the Foreign and Commonwealth Office, responded on behalf of the government.
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