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Your Story, Our History

14 July 2016

Image of UK Parliament portcullis

During July 2016 we are are releasing a series of films which focus on three individuals - Janett, Leyla, and Shango - who share their experiences of how legislation passed by the UK Parliament has affected their lives, highlighting the importance of  race relations in the UK and the impact that Parliament has had on their lives through legislation.

Leyla’s story

As part of the Yemeni community living in South Shields, Leyla Al-Sayadi explains the history behind her ancestors’ move to Britain how equality legislation has allowed her to freely practise her faith in her place of work.

Shango’s story 

Having arrived from Trinidad into Britain in 1962, Shango Baku recalls the discrimination he faced when trying to find accommodation and the positive law changes that prevented it from happening in the future.

Jannett’s story

Janett explains how being from an ethnic background has positively benefitted her in her job of educating large-scale institutions about diversity and equality in the work place.

Get Involved

Since the 1965 Race Relations Act, the UK Parliament has continued to pass laws that make the lives of people across the UK more equal, but it’s an ongoing process.  Wherever you live, no matter who you are or your background, the laws that the UK Parliament passes affect and shape all areas of your life. You can get involved and make your voice heard when decisions are being made in Parliament, here are some of the ways you can get involved with Parliament.

  • Contact an MP or Lord - Contact a Member of the House of Lords or your MP about an issue that matters to you
  • Sign a petition - Sign an online petition and let Parliament know what issues you want to see debated
  • Submit evidence to a committee - Parliament's committees hold inquiries to get your views on a range of issues
  • For more information about all the ways you can make your voice heard, go to our Get Involved page.

Race Relations in the UK: Key Dates

Race Relations Act 1965

The 1965 Act made it illegal to ban persons from certain public places such as swimming pools and hotels on the basis of their skin colour.

Race Relations Act 1968

The Act extended the scope of the legislation to housing and employment and established a Community Relations Commission.

Race Relations Act 1976

The 1976 Act replaced the two earlier Acts, and replaced the Race Relations Board and the Community Relations Commission with the Commission for Racial Equality. This was to oversee the enforcement of the law, working towards the elimination of discrimination, and promoting good race relations in society.

The Scarman Report (1981)

The Scarman report examined the urban unrest in Brixton in 1981 and highlighted persistent racial disadvantage, inner-city decline and mistrust in the police, and argued for a more racially diverse police force. 

The Macpherson report (1999)

The Macpherson report on the murder of black teenager Stephen Lawrence found that the Metropolitan Police had incompetently handled the murder investigation and was ‘institutionally racist’.

The Race Relations (Amendment) Act 2000

This outlawed racial discrimination in all public authority functions and introduced a statutory duty for public authorities to promote race equality. It also made chief police officers liable for acts of racial discrimination by their staff.

The Parekh report (2000)

The Parekh report set out a coherent vision for a multicultural Britain based on unity, diversity and equality, but was badly received by the media.

The Cantle report (2001)

The Cantle report into the disturbances in Northern towns in 2001 argued for a shift in focus from multicultural policies to community cohesion.

The Equality Act 2010

The Act consolidated and replaced existing anti-discrimination legislation, including the earlier race relations legislation. It outlaws discrimination on the grounds of nine ‘protected characteristics’, one of which is race.

Further Information