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Investigatory Powers Bill returns to the Lords

17 November 2016

Image of UK Parliament portcullis

The Investigatory Powers Bill returned to the House of Lords on Wednesday 16 November for consideration of Commons amendments in 'ping pong'.

Peers considered Commons amendments on civil liability, press regulation and lawful authority.

Following agreement by both Houses on the text of the bill it received Royal Assent on 29 November 2016. Royal Assent is the monarch's agreement to make the bill into an Act of Parliament (law).

Lords third reading: Monday 31 October

Members discussed the Investigatory Powers Commissioner, public telecommunications systems and data obtained under warrants.

Lords report stage day three: Wednesday 19 October

Members of the Lords discussed safeguards for confidential journalistic material, interception warrants and the definition of protected data.

There was one division (vote) on an amendment to the bill.

Members of the Lords discussed an amendment to exclude internet connection records from the types of communication data that can be acquired in bulk (by bulk acquisition warrants). This amendment went to a vote of the House, where 82 members voted for and 321 voted against. The change to the bill was not made.  

Lords report stage day two: Monday 17 October

Members of the Lords discussed amendments relating to the disclosure of data, the role of the Investigatory Powers Commissioner and retention notices.

There were two divisions on amendments to the bill.

The first was to remove from the bill a ‘request filter’, a system to filter data before it is passed to investigators. 78 members voted for this amendment, with 314 against, so the amendment was not made.

Members then looked at a proposal to remove internet communications records from the data that communications operators would be required to retain. This went to a vote, with 75 members for and 292 against, so this change was not made. (The tellers for the against side reported 293 votes, while the clerks recorded 292 names).

Lords report stage day one: 11 October

Members of the Lords discussed a range of issues including equipment interference, the use of authorisation notices (including warrants) and the establishment of a civil liberties board, and there was one vote.

The vote was on the provision of financial support for people who have phone-hacking complaints against the press. 282 voted in favour, 180 voted against, so the change was made.

Lords committee stage day six: Monday 12 September

Members discussed amendments relating to the Immigration Act 2016, use of technology and the definition of national security.

Lords committee stage day five: Wednesday 7 September

Members discussed a range of subjects, including the establishing of a Technology Advisory Panel, Bulk Personal Dataset warrants and proposed offences regarding the unauthorised examination of data.

Lords committee stage day four: Monday 5 September

Members discussed a range of subjects, including the Investigatory Powers Commissioner role and the rules of the Investigatory Powers Tribunal. 

Lords committee stage day three: Tuesday 19 July

Members discussed a range of subjects, including the eligibility of Judicial Commissioners, the authorisation for obtaining communications data and equipment interference warrants. 

Lords committee stage day two: Wednesday 13 July

Members discussed a range of subjects, including encryption, the role of the Judicial Commissioner, and the interception of communications.

Lords committee stage day one: Monday 11 July

Members discussed a range of subjects, including the intrusion of privacy, the Human Rights Act 1998 and the unlawful use of investigatory powers.

Lords second reading: Monday 27 June  

Investigatory Powers Bill summary

This bill aims to define the laws around:

  • the interception of communications, equipment interference and the acquisition and retention of communications data, bulk personal datasets and other information.
  • the treatment of material held as a result of such interception, equipment interference or acquisition or retention.
  • the establishment of an Investigatory Powers Commissioner and other Judicial Commissioners.
  • further provisions about investigatory powers, national security and amending sections 3 and 5 of the Intelligence Services Act 1994.

Further information