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This week in the Commons: 7 - 11 March

11 March 2016 (updated on 11 March 2016)

Image of UK Parliament portcullis

This week in the House of Commons MPs debated the Policing and Crime Bill, the Enterprise Bill, International Women's Day 2016 and more.

Legislation: Government Bills

Policing and Crime Bill

The Policing and Crime Bill had its Second Reading was Monday 7 March. The Bill is now in Public Committee stage and is taking evidence – have your say.

Enterprise Bill

The Enterprise Bill had its Report Stage and Third Reading in the Commons on 8 and 9 March. The Bill has returned to the House of Lords to consider the amendments.

Northern Ireland (Stormont Agreement and Implementation Plan) Bill

The Northern Ireland (Stormont Agreement and Implementation Plan) Bill had the Committee Stage in a Committee of the whole House, Report Stage and Third Reading on Thursday 10 March.

Legislation: Private Members Bills

Two Private Members Bills were introduced to the House following Ten Minute Rule Motions this week:

One Private Members' Bill was presented under Standing Order 57 (Presentation Bill)

On Friday 11 March, MPs debated the Foreign National Offenders (Exclusion from the UK) Bill. A division was called on the Second Reading of the Bill (Ayes 5 votes, Noes 25 votes). As fewer than 40 members participated in the division, the question was not decided. The bill is scheduled for Friday 22 April.

The National Health Service Bill started second reading debate but was adjourned. Debate is scheduled for Friday 22 April.

Urgent Questions and Statements

This week Urgent Questions were asked on:

There were two Ministerial Statements this week.

Prime Minister's Questions

On Wednesday 9 March MPs asked the Prime minister questions about the economy and disability allowance, the refugee crisis, rural schools funding, councils and road safety measures and more.

Watch PMQs from this week:

E-petitions debates

On Monday 7 March, in the Westminster Hall Chamber, MPs debated an e-petition on making the income threshold for non-EU citizens settling in the UK.

Backbench business debates

On Tuesday 8 March in the Commons Chamber, MPs took part in a debate that was scheduled by the Backbench Business Committee.

Westminster Hall debates

Debates on a variety of different subjects also took place in Westminster Hall on Monday 7, Tuesday 8 and Wednesday 9 March. See the Parliamentary calendar to find out what subjects were debated.

Select Committees

News from Parliamentary Select Committees, including the publication of reports and details of inquiries and evidence sessions are also available online.

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