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Lord Speaker chairs international public speaking contest

12 May 2016 (updated on 13 May 2016)

Image of UK Parliament portcullis

Baroness D’Souza, the Lord Speaker, will chair the grand final of the English-Speaking Union (ESU) International Public Speaking Competition on Sunday 13 May at Stamford Bridge, home of Chelsea Football Club.

The competition, organised by the ESU, an educational charity, will see students from over 50 countries test their public speaking skills over two days. Baroness D’Souza’s participation is part of an ongoing relationship between the House of Lords and the ESU as part of the Lords outreach programme.

The Lord Speaker will chair the final, with students reaching this stage after progressing through heats and a semi-final.

Since 2012 the Lords has partnered with the ESU to deliver the annual House of Lords chamber event in the Palace of Westminster, giving young people and other groups the rare opportunity to debate in the House of Lords itself.

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