Lords discusses conflict in fragile states
16 September 2016
Members of the Lords, including the vice-president of Barnardos, a board member of Unicef and the chair of Women Matter, debated the effect of conflict in fragile states on the rate of human rights abuses and the number of widows, in the House of Lords on Thursday 15 September.
- Catch up on Parliament TV
- Read the transcript in Lords Hansard
- Lords Library note: Fragile States: Effects of Conflict
This was a balloted debate. They normally take place on a Thursday in the chamber. During debates, members are able to put their experience to good use, discussing current issues and drawing the government's attention to concerns.
The debate was proposed by Lord Loomba (Liberal Democrat), vice-president of Barnados and member of the Oxfam development board.
Members who took part included:
- Baroness Flather (Crossbench), chair of registered charity Women Matter
- Baroness Miller of Chilthorne Domer (Liberal Democrat), board member of Unicef
- Lord Tunnicliffe (Labour), former Lords opposition spokesperson for the Ministry of Defence
Baroness Goldie (Conservative), responded on behalf of the government.
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