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"Diversity works..." 101 portraits collection

13 April 2017 (updated on 13 April 2017)

Image of UK Parliament portcullis

‘Diversity works...’ is a collection of 101 portraits and perspectives of, primarily, workplace diversity from prominent business and thought leaders from a broad range of sectors. The project has been conceived by the artist Shahid Bashir and curated by Dowshan Humzah. Parliament has participated in this initiative and we have contributions from Mr Speaker, Baroness Tanni Grey-Thompson DBE, Anne Foster, Head of Diversity and Inclusion, Baroness Valerie Amos CH PC and Lord Karan Bilimoria CBE, DL, FCA.

Some of the featured contributors work directly in the diversity and inclusion field. However, many are leaders who actively choose to embrace diversity and inclusion within their core roles.

The project asks: ‘how is diversity perceived and experienced?’. It challenges misconceptions that many still have in relation to diversity and expands on the need to create workplace cultures and behaviours that are inclusive, and embrace difference in the broadest sense.

The collection of photographic portraits has been taken in a particular style - moving away from the usual ‘happy, smiley corporate images’ to using a contemporary black and white, deadpan style. The intention is to reflect the notion that diversity is not merely black and white, it is more about the grey areas in between. The three statements that each contributor provides reinforces this.

In addition to the online digital gallery, later in 2017, it is anticipated that there will be a series of physical exhibitions, engaging various stakeholders and communities as well as other related activities. We are exploring the possibility of hosting an exhibition in Parliament.

Find out more

To look at the "Diversity works..." 101 portrait collection, please follow this link: Diversity works website