Lords examines Armed Forces (Flexible Working) Bill
26 October 2017
The Armed Forces (Flexible Working) Bill had its third reading, a further chance to examine the bill and make changes, in the Lords on Wednesday 25 October.
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- Bills and legislation: Armed Forces (Flexible Working) Bill
- Lords Library briefing: Armed Forces (Flexible Working) Bill
- What is third reading?
No changes were suggested by members of the Lords at third reading. There was a short discussion reflecting on the bill's journey through the Lords.
Following the completion of third reading, the Bill now goes to the Commons for its consideration.
Lords report stage: Wednesday 11 October
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- Lords division (vote) results
- What is report stage?
Members discussed subjects including pay, allowances, accommodation and protection of existing flexible working options.
There was one vote (division).
Members discussed a change (amendment) to a definition in the draft law (bill) changing the phrase 'part-time' to 'breaks from full-time service subject to prescribed conditions'. Members discussed the possible results of the change and the current provision of flexible working in the armed forces. There was a vote with 56 members in favour of the change and 181 against. This meant the change was not made.
Lords committee stage: Tuesday 12 September
The committee stage of this bill takes place in Grand Committee, a room outside the Lords chamber. Any member can take part and decisions on amendments can be made, but no votes take place.
Members discussed a range of subjects, including the protection of pay and allowances, annual reports on the impact of part-time working and implications for the Armed Forces Covenant.
Lords second reading: Tuesday 11 July
Members discussed practicalities of providing flexible working arrangements to members of the armed forces, changes to pay and pension and mental health provision for current and former members of the armed forces.
Members also discussed recruitment, the bill's definitions of part-time and flexible working and distinctions between regular and reserve forces.
Armed Forces (Flexible Working) Bill summary
This bill aims to make provision for part-time working by members of the regular Armed Forces, and for their service to be subject to geographic restrictions.