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House of Lords members take oaths for new Parliament

13 June 2017 (updated on 13 June 2017)

Image of UK Parliament portcullis

Following the 2017 General Election, the House of Lords meets on Tuesday 13 June and Wednesday 14 June for members to take the oaths or affirmation in preparation for the new Parliament.

What happens at the start of a new Parliament?

The House of Lords meets ahead of the State Opening of Parliament for members of the Lords to take the oath or affirmation.

Because members of the Lords cannot take part in parliamentary proceedings before taking this oath, scheduling swearing-in before the State Opening of Parliament allows members to return to work immediately following the State Opening ceremony. Members are required to sign an undertaking to abide by the House of Lords Code of Conduct as part of the swearing-in procedure. On the afternoon of State Opening, the House of Lords begins a debate to respond formally to the Queen’s Speech. 

Members may choose to swear on a sacred text or make a non-religious affirmation.

Tuesday 13 June

Wednesday 14 June

Further information