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Ministers news from UK Parliament.

Total results 72 (page 2 of 5)
System of local government audit close to “breaking point”
System of local government audit covering £100 billion of public spending a year close to “breaking point” says PAC
13 July 2021
Darren Jones welcomes move to put post office inquiry on statutory basis
Darren Jones has commented on the statement from Paul Scully announcing that the independent inquiry into the Post Office’s Horizon IT scandal is to be put on a statutory footing.
19 May 2021
Minister for Apprenticeships and Skills, Gillian Keegan MP, questioned
Apprenticeships and Skills Minister Gillian Keegan will face questions from MPs during an accountability session with the Education Committee.
12 May 2021
Post appointment hearing with Independent Adviser on Ministers’ Interests, Lord Geidt
The Public Administration and Constitutional Affairs Committee takes evidence from newly appointed Independent Adviser on Ministerial Standards, Lord Geidt.
11 May 2021
Oliver Dowden pressed on progress of online harms legislation
MPs will question the Secretary of State for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport in a wide-ranging hearing on pressing issues covered by the Department.
07 May 2021
Constitution Committee calls for evidence on revision of the Cabinet Manual
Constitution Committee publishes call for evidence on revision of the Cabinet Manual
25 March 2021
EAC calls for Garment Trade Adjudicator
The introduction of a Garment Trade Adjudicator could help stamp out non-compliance with labour market regulation in the UK garment industry, the Environmental Audit Committee has said.
12 March 2021
Lords examines Ministerial and other Maternity Allowances Bill
Government accepts amendment on use of 'mother or expectant mother' in the bill
26 February 2021
Chair urges Cabinet not to shy away from scrutiny
The Public Administration and Constitutional Affairs Committee has criticised the Minister for the Cabinet Office, Michael Gove, for not doing more to ensure that policy decisions on covid-19 were open to scrutiny.
23 February 2021
Traders may not understand tariffs under Northern Ireland protocol
The European Scrutiny Committee considers approved and draft EU legislation and policy documents deposited in Parliament by the Government.
16 February 2021
EU and UK flags
Committee writes to the Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster (Rt Hon. Michael Gove) regarding UK-EU Joint Committee meeting
Committee writes to Rt Hon. Michael Gove about UK-EU Joint Committee meeting on implementation of the NI Protocol.
17 December 2020
EU and UK flags
Lords persuades government to think again on devolved powers after Brexit
United Kingdom Internal Market Bill returns to the Commons for agreement
16 December 2020
UK Internal Market Bill violates the rule of law and threatens to undermine devolution arrangements, says Committee
The Committee publishes its report on the United Kingdom Internal Market Bill
16 October 2020
EU and UK flags
Scrutiny of EU law and policy: the Joint Committee and the Northern Ireland Protocol Evidence Session
Committee evidence session with the Paymaster General.
30 September 2020
Ysgrifennydd Cymru yn rhoi tystiolaeth i'r Pwyllgor
Ochr yn ochr â materion eraill, bydd yr Ysgrifennydd Gwladol yn cael ei holi ar y Gronfa Ffyniant a Rennir a goblygiadau trafodaethau masnach Brexit ar Gymru
07 September 2020
Total results 72 (page 2 of 5)