Non-departmental public bodies
Non-departmental public bodies news from UK Parliament.

Operation of the Parliamentary Standards Act 2009 evidence session
21 October 2011

Role of private foundations in international development explored
20 October 2011

MPs take evidence from the Environment Agency
20 October 2011

The Transport Committee invites written evidence for a short inquiry it expects to hold into cable thefts on the railway
20 October 2011

Social Care inquiry
Health Committee to look at continuing care and patient/user experience
20 October 2011

Backbench debates on EU referendum and NHS care of older people
20 October 2011

Joint Enterprise: Committee's first evidence session
20 October 2011

Debate on EU Referendum: Change of Date
20 October 2011

Transport Committee oral evidence sessions
20 October 2011

Final oral evidence session
20 October 2011

Final Evidence Session on the EU Emissions Trading System
20 October 2011

MPs hold evidence session on science in the Met Office
20 October 2011

Does the EU Have the Security and Defence Capabilities it needs?
20 October 2011

MPs report on Department for International Development Financial Management
20 October 2011

Committee hold pre-appointment hearing with Chair-elect of Technology Strategy Board
19 October 2011