Non-departmental public bodies
Non-departmental public bodies news from UK Parliament.
How well does Government use IT?
11 March 2011
Publication of Government response on youth unemployment
11 March 2011
Lords committee say UK should opt in to EU passenger name record plans
11 March 2011
Implications for Justice and Home Affairs area of accession of Turkey to EU
11 March 2011
Green Investment Bank must be able to borrow - MPs say in new report
11 March 2011
MPs call on car insurers to fund police unit to curb false personal injury claims
11 March 2011
Report on candidate for Chairman of BBC Trust
10 March 2011
EU Committee publishes Report on amending Article 136 of the Lisbon Treaty
10 March 2011
Lords Sub-Committee publishes letter to Minister on Credit Default Swaps and Short Selling
10 March 2011
Arrangements for pre-recess debate on 5 April
10 March 2011
Committee Chairman writes to Deputy Prime Minister on Government Responses
10 March 2011
Committee publishes the Armed Forces Bill Special Report 2010-11
10 March 2011
Sir Terry Matthews OBE gives evidence on Inward Investment, Wales
10 March 2011
Devolving power should mean fewer Ministers - MPs urge Government
10 March 2011
MPs publish report on reducing errors in the benefits system
10 March 2011