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Parliament news from UK Parliament.

Total results 10687 (page 75 of 713)
UK Parliamentarians attend the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly Annual Session
From 30 June – 4 July, a cross-party delegation of MPs and Peers is participating in the Annual Session of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly
30 June 2023
Coming up in the Commons 3-7 July
A summary of what's coming up in the House of Commons 3-7 July
30 June 2023
Baroness Prashar speaking in the Lords chamber
What's on in the Lords 3-7 July
Questions, legislations and debates: discover what's on in the House of Lords this week.
30 June 2023
Professor Sir Chris Whitty among expert witnesses to give evidence to MPs on air quality
The Chief Medical Officer for England will be appearing before the Environmental Audit Committee as MPs continue gathering evidence on outdoor and indoor air quality targets
30 June 2023
Chair Comment on Government publication of NHS Long Term Workforce Plan
Health and Social Care Committee Chair Steve Brine MP responds to today’s announcement on the Government’s publication of the Long Term Workforce plan
30 June 2023
Transport Committee launches two new inquiries following Dragon’s Den-style ‘Our Future Transport’ campaign
The Transport Committee today launches two new in-depth inquiries following its Our Future Transport campaign, where MPs invited the public to pitch ideas on what the Committee should investigate
30 June 2023
Lords debates growth rate of UK economy
Members discuss the rate of core inflation and the necessity of increasing productivity. Catch up
30 June 2023
Lords debates violence against women and girls
Members discuss abuse suffered by women in the UK. Catch up
30 June 2023
Transport Committee launches new inquiry into future uses of data to improve transport
The Transport Committee has launched a new inquiry that will investigate the future uses of data in the transport sector to innovate and improve services
30 June 2023
Does the Government have a joined up plan for investing in transport? Committee launches new inquiry
The Transport Committee has launched a new inquiry that will examine how the Government develops strategic objectives for transport policy
30 June 2023
Prif Ysgrifennydd y Trysorlys i ymddangos gerbron ASau i drafod y fframwaith ar gyfer cyllid cyhoeddus yng Nghymru a sut mae Cymru'n cael ei hystyried wrth wneud penderfyniadau cyllidol
Bydd Prif Ysgrifennydd y Trysorlys, y Gwir Anrhydeddus John Glen AS, yn ymddangos gerbron y Pwyllgor Materion Cymreig wrth i’r pwyllgor gynnal sesiwn dystiolaeth unigol ar Fframwaith Cyllidol Cymru a'r heriau cyllido cysylltiedig.
30 June 2023
Chief Secretary to the Treasury to discuss the framework for public funding in Wales
The Chief Secretary to the Treasury, Rt Hon John Glen MP, will be appearing before the Welsh Affairs Committee on Wednesday 5 July
30 June 2023
Football authorities must urgently agree funding deal or face regulator action to safeguard long-term stability of game, MPs say
MPs say the Premier League and EFL must urgently come to an agreement on sharing more revenue with clubs down the football pyramid
29 June 2023
Government must address past mistakes to deliver digital transformation in the NHS
The Health and Social Care Committee warns the Government’s ambition for digital transformation in the NHS can only succeed if Ministers address mistakes of the past
29 June 2023
Thames Water – MPs to question executives, Ofwat and Minister
The Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Committee has invited key decision-makers to a public hearing on Wednesday 12 July to explain the difficulties facing the company
29 June 2023
Total results 10687 (page 75 of 713)