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House of Commons

House of Commons news from UK Parliament.

Total results 6973 (page 75 of 465)
MPs to hold a debate on tackling the energy trilemma
MPs to hold a debate on tackling the energy trilemma
20 March 2023
MPs to hold a debate on World Down Syndrome Day
MPs to hold a debate on World Down Syndrome Day
20 March 2023
Coming up in the Commons 20-24 March
Find out what's coming up in the House of Commons Chamber 20-24 March
17 March 2023
Cabinet Secretary Angus Robertson questioned on how the Scottish Government promotes Scotland internationally
Scottish Affairs Committee  examines the role of the Scottish Government in promoting Scotland internationally
17 March 2023
MPs seek evidence on turning quantum technologies into products
Science and Technology Committee launches inquiry on commercialising quantum technologies
16 March 2023
Building Safety – Government Minister questioned by Levelling Up Committee
Committee to question Lee Rowley MP
16 March 2023
Treasury Committee to question Chancellor, OBR and economists on Spring Budget
Committee to question Chancellor, OBR and economists on Spring Budget
16 March 2023
MPs to examine future of Defined Benefit pension schemes
Committee launches an inquiry that will review Defined Benefit (DB) pension schemes
16 March 2023
Chair urges the EU and UK to accelerate Horizon Europe negotiations as no further clarity over £1.6 billion returned to the Treasury
Chair urges the EU and UK to accelerate Horizon Europe negotiations
15 March 2023
Windsor Framework: Committee warn against ‘fait accompli’
European Scrutiny Committee publishes report on the Windsor Framework and Prime Ministerial accountability
14 March 2023
Speaker meets one of the last surviving D-Day veterans
The last member of the York Normandy Veterans who stormed Gold Beach on D-Day received a special thank you from the Speaker of the House of Commons "for his bravery in protecting our country."
13 March 2023
MPs to hold a debate on car parking for care workers
MPs to hold a debate on car parking for care workers
13 March 2023
MPs to debate relations with China during the presidency of Xi Jinping
MPs to debate relations with China during the presidency of Xi Jinping
13 March 2023
MPs to hold a debate on the lease of London Zoo
MPs to hold a debate on the lease of London Zoo
13 March 2023
MPs to hold a debate on seizure of Russian assets
MPs to hold a debate on seizure of Russian assets
13 March 2023
Total results 6973 (page 75 of 465)