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Parliamentary Business

Parliamentary Business news from UK Parliament.

Total results 1069 (page 36 of 72)
Industry representatives questioned on Space Defence
The Defence Committee hears from representatives from the space sector’s trade body, UKspace followed by witnesses from Airbus and KISPE Space Systems LtdE
06 September 2021
Do City Region Deals and Growth Deals fulfil ‘levelling up’ ambition in Scotland?
Scottish Affairs Committee holds a one-off evidence session on the objectives, progress and delivery of City Region Deals and Growth Deals
02 September 2021
Minister questioned on jet skis: safety, regulation and environmental effects
Transport Committee examines the use, regulation and environmental effects of Jet Skis
02 September 2021
Foreign Secretary questioned on Afghanistan evacuation
Foreign Affairs Committee examines the UK’s evacuation of people from Afghanistan
26 August 2021
Urgent action needed to tackle deep rooted and persistent racial disparities in policing
Home Affairs Committee publishes the Macpherson Report: Twenty-two years on
29 July 2021
UK Arms Exports in 2019 further call for evidence
Committees on Arms Export Controls seeks comments on the 2020 Annual Report
29 July 2021
Barriers holding back renewable energy in Wales must be urgently overcome
Welsh Affairs Committee publishes report on Renewable energy in Wales
28 July 2021
Report: Protecting Those Who Protect Us: Women in the Armed Forces from Recruitment to Civilian Life
Defence Sub-Committee on Women in the Armed Forces publishes report
24 July 2021
Impacts of trade and environmental policy on family farms in Wales to be explored by MPs
Welsh Affairs Committee launches economic and cultural impacts of trade and environmental policy on family farms in Wales inquiry
23 July 2021
Reproducibility of Research inquiry launched
Science and Technology Committee launches new inquiry
23 July 2021
‘No obvious conflicts’ in Greensill appointment, but questions remain over management of financier
Public Administration and Constitutional Affairs Committee publish Propriety of Governance in Light of Greensill: An Interim Report
22 July 2021
Response to Rainsbrook Secure Training Centre report published
The Justice Committee publishes the Government’s response to its report into Rainsbrook Secure Training Centre
19 July 2021
Former prisoners and prison charities questioned on women in prison
The Justice Committee examines the experiences of women who have been through the prison system
19 July 2021
Committee report on written parliamentary questions reveals worrying pandemic impact on Government answering performance
Report released by the Procedure Committee lays bare the impact of the pandemic on ministerial accountability in the House of Commons
18 July 2021
Ministers questioned on mapping the path to net zero
Environmental Audit Committee examines what steps can be taken to actually achieve net zero emissions by 2050 and adapt to climate change.
16 July 2021
Total results 1069 (page 36 of 72)