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House of Commons Hansard archives

Read debates from the Commons Chamber and Westminster Hall, Public Bill and General Committees, from November 1988 to March 2016. You can also view House of Commons Historic Hansard for debates from 1803-2005. This is now an archive and the latest debates can be found in Hansard.

House of Commons debates by date archive 1988-2016
Image of UK Parliament portcullis

Read the archive of House of Commons debates, statements and written answers by date 1988-2016

House of Commons debates by MP
Image of UK Parliament portcullis

Find debates, statements and questions by MP 2006-2016

Public Bill Committee debates archive 1997-2016
Image of UK Parliament portcullis

Public Bill Committee archive of debates arranged by session and Bill committee name 1997-2016

General Committee debates 1997-2016
Image of UK Parliament portcullis

General Committee archive of debates arranged by session and committee name 1997-2016

Historic Hansard: 1803-2005
Image of UK Parliament portcullis

Read House of Commons Historic Hansard for debates from 1803-2005. Historic Hansard has temporarily moved. We're sorry for any inconvenience.

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The Official Report of both oral and written parliamentary proceedings has its origins back in the 17th century.

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