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House of Lords Hansard archives


This is now an archive and the latest debates can be found in Hansard.


Read debates on bills, delegated legislation, statements, questions, introductions, general debates and grand committees, from November 1995 to March 2016. You can also view House of Lords Historic Hansard for debates from 1803-2005.

House of Lords Hansard by date archive 1995-2016
Image of UK Parliament portcullis

Browse the archive of House of Lords debates on bills, delegated legislation, statements, questions, introductions, general debates and grand committees 1995-2016

House of Lords debates by Member: 2006-2016
Image of UK Parliament portcullis

Read Lords Hansard by Lord 2006-2016

House of Lords debates by category 2015-16
Image of UK Parliament portcullis

Read Lords Hansard by category 2006-2016

Historic Hansard
Image of UK Parliament portcullis

Read House of Lords Historic Hansard for debates from 1803-2005

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Watch debates

View live and archived coverage of all UK Parliament proceedings taking place in public, including debates and committee meetings of both Houses.

Deposited Papers

Deposited papers are placed in either the House of Commons or the House of Lords Library by a minister or the Speaker. The majority of deposited papers are placed by ministers in reply to parliamentary questions.