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Appendix A

[Form referred to in Standing Orders 13 and 61]

Form of notice to owners, etc.

Dear Sir or Madam,

[Short title of bill]

We [have applied] [intend to apply] to Parliament [this] [next] session for leave to introduce this  bill.

We understand that you have an interest in the property mentioned in the Table set out below and that your interest is as stated in Part[s] I [and II] of that Table. If the bill is passed, the property mentioned in Part I of the Table, or a right to use it, will be liable to be acquired compulsorily under the powers of the resulting Act [and the property mentioned in Part II of the Table will be liable to the imposition of an improvement  charge].

A plan [and section] relating to the purposes of the bill, together with a book of reference relating to it, [was] [were] [will be, on or before 20th November] deposited for public inspection with [here insert the officers of the local authorities with whom deposits have been or are to be made in accordance with  Standing Order   27].

A copy of so much of the plan [and section] as relates to [here insert the parish or other area in accordance with Standing Order 36] in which the property in which you have an interest is situated, together with a book of reference relating to it, [has been] [will be on or before 20th November] deposited for public inspection with [here insert the officers of the local authorities with whom deposits have been or are to be made in accordance with Standing Order 36].

On that plan the property [is] [will be] designated by the number or numbers in the Table set out below. If that Table contains any error or misdescription, please let us know as soon as you  can.

Copies of the bill, or the relevant parts of it, [have been] [will be on or before 4th December] deposited for public inspection and for sale at the [here insert the several offices at which deposits have been or are to be made in accordance with Standing Order  4A].

[We intend that the bill shall provide that, notwithstanding section 92 of the Lands Clauses Consolidation Act 1845, you may be required to sell and convey a part only of your property, numbered [here insert number or numbers] on the deposited  plan].

[We intend that the bill shall exclude section 92 of the Lands Clauses Consolidation Act 1845 and shall substitute for it a  provision—
      (a) restricting the power of acquiring compulsorily a part only of a house or building to cases where the part 
           can be taken without material detriment to the house or building; and
      (b) restricting the power of acquiring compulsorily a part only of a garden belonging to a house 
           to cases where the part can be taken without seriously affecting the amenity or convenience of the 

You may object to the bill by submitting a petition against it. If you wish us to do so, we shall be glad to let you know the latest date on which you may submit a petition in either House of  Parliament.

For the moment we can let you know that the latest date for submitting a petition against a bill  is—
      (a) in the first House, [here insert current date] in the case of the House of Lords, and [here insert 
           current date] in the case of the House of Commons; and
      (b) in the second House, the tenth day after that on which the bill receives its first reading in 
           that House.

In the case of a late bill, the rule in paragraph (b) above applies to a petition in either House. If the latest date turns out to be a Saturday, a Sunday, Christmas day, a bank holiday or a day on which the House does not sit, the latest date may be  postponed.

We enclose for your use copies of the standing orders of both Houses of Parliament relating to the time and method for submitting petitions in opposition to bills.

If you need any further information, or any help in preparing a petition, you should get in touch with the Private Bill Office in either House (telephone number 020 7219 3231 in the House of Lords and 020 7219 3250 in the House of  Commons).

Yours faithfully,



Schedule referred to in the foregoing notice, describing the property therein alluded to

Parish or other area as the case may beNumber on plansDescriptionOwnerLesseeOccupier


Property [rights to use] which may be acquired compulsorily

Part I


Property on which an improvement charge may be imposed

Part II



Appendix B

[Form referred to in Standing Order 45]

Form of estimates

†It shall not be necessary to include an estimate of this item where the promoters are not a local authority

*The estimate should be accompanied by an engineer's report as to age, extent, condition and value of the work, divided under suitable headings



Purchase of land, minerals and permanent rights  

Easement for works, e.g., way-leaves for sewers, water pipes, etc.

Laying out and levelling land (specifying purposes and nature of works)
Work on foreshore
Buildings (stating, generally, their nature and construction)
Boats (stating, generally, their character) †
Bridges (stating, generally, their character and type of construction)
Waterways (including canals and inland navigations)
  • Earthworks
  • Locks, etc.
  • Reservoirs
  • Dredging (otherwise than for maintenance)
  • Mains—
        Mains transmission lines
        Feeders and distributors
  • Machinery and plant 
        (in the case of generating plant specify 
        whether steam, gas, diesel, etc.)
  • Purchase of electricity undertaking where the price has been fixed*

Ferries (specifying type)

      (a) Vessels†
      (b) Landing stages, etc.

Furniture and movable equipment †
  • Generating plant
  • Gas holders
  • Mains—
        Cast iron
  • Purchase of gas undertaking where the price has been fixed*

Harbours, docks and piers (including quays and wharves)
  • Docks, etc., (stating, generally, character and method of construction)
  • Breakwaters— 
        (a) Rubble mound
        (b) Concrete block
  • Piers (stating, generally, character and type of construction)
  • Machinery (cranes, pumping machinery, dredgers, etc.)
  • Dredging (otherwise than for maintenance)
Machinery not included under other headings (stating, generally, its character)
Railways, other than light railways
  • Permanent ways
  • Earthworks
  • Stations and buildings
  • Tunnels and bridges
  • Rolling stock†
  • Electrical or other equipment
  • Power stations
  • Signalling
Roads and streets (stating, generally, character and method of work)
Sea defence works (stating, generally, their character and materials to be used)
Sewage disposal works
  • Tanks
  • Machinery
  • Brick, concrete, cast iron, glazed ware
  • Concrete tubes, reinforced
  • Steel pipes
Tramways, tramroads, light railways, and public service vehicle and trolley vehicle undertakings
  • Depots and car sheds
  • Permanent way—
        (a) Public road lines
        (b) Separate tack on sleepers
  • Electrical equipment
        (a) Posts and overhead wires

        (b) Cables and feeders
        (c) Generating and converting plant
  • Cars and vehicles†
Tunnels (other than railway tunnels)
  • Mains—
        Cast iron
        Concrete or other material (specifying 
  • Reservoirs—
        Impounding (with earth or masonry 
        Service (specifying nature of 
  • Pumping machinery
  • Filters—
  • Sterilisation plant
  • Wells or other works
  • Purchase of water undertakings where the price has been fixed*