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Chairman Of Committees

90 Division of bills between this House and House of Commons (HC 81)

The Chairman of Committees or his Counsel shall, on or before 8th January in each year, hold  a  conference with the Chairman of Ways and Means or the Counsel to the Speaker for the purpose of determining in which House of Parliament the respective private bills should be first considered.

91 Special circumstances (HC 82, 85)

(1) The Chairman of Committees may, if he thinks fit, direct the attention of the House, or of the committee to which the bill is committed, to any special circumstances relative to any private bill which may appear to him to require it.

(2) Without prejudice to the generality of paragraph (1)  of this standing order, where in the case of a private bill which has been read a first time no report from a minister of the Crown has been presented to the House under Standing Order 98A, the Chairman of Committees may, if he thinks fit, direct the attention of the House to that fact.

92 Unopposed bill to be treated as opposed (HC 85)

The Chairman of Committees may, if he thinks fit, report to the House that, in his opinion, any unopposed private bill should be proceeded with as an opposed private  bill.

93 Instructions to committees on bills (HC 175)

In every case where it is sought by a proposed instruction to authorise or require a committee on a private bill to make an amendment in the bill, the Chairman of Committees shall  call  the  instruction to  the  attention  of  the House, if in his opinion such amendment could not have been proposed by the promoters otherwise than by a petition for additional provision.

94 Bills re-committed to Committee of Whole House

The Chairman of Committees may, if he thinks fit, propose to the House that any private bill shall, after it has been reported, be re-committed to a Committee of the Whole House. But no private bill re-committed to a Committee of the Whole House under this standing order shall by reason of such re-commitment be allowed to proceed as a public bill.

94A Deputy Chairmen of Committees

References in any standing order to the Chairman of Committees shall be  construed as including  references to the Principal  Deputy Chairman  of  Committees and to any lord named by the House as a Deputy Chairman of Committees acting on behalf of the Chairman of Committees.

95 Appointment of committees (HC 109, 110)

(1) The Chairman of Committees shall, unless he is of the opinion that the members of any such committee should be selected and proposed to the House by the Committee of Selection or unless two or more members of that committee request a meeting for that purpose, name the lords to form the following committees:—
       (a) select committees on private bills;
       (b) select committees on opposed personal bills;
       (c) select committees on unopposed provisional order confirmation bills;
       (d) joint committees under the Private Legislation Procedure (Scotland) Act 1936 (Lords members);
       (e) joint committees under the Statutory Orders (Special Procedure) Act 1945 (Lords members).

(2) The Chairman of Committees shall name the lord who will be chairman of any select committee appointed by him in pursuance of this standing order.

(3) The Chairman of Committees shall report to the House any appointments made by him in pursuance of this standing order.

(4) In the absence  of  any  chairman appointed  in pursuance of paragraph (2) of this standing order a committee may appoint its own chairman.

96 Lords exempted from serving (HC 120)

Lords shall be exempted from serving on the committee of any private bill wherein they have an interest, and lords shall be excused from serving for any special reasons to be approved of in each case by the House.