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Committees on Bills whether Opposed or Unopposed

  • Committees on bills whether opposed or unopposed
  • Agreements

123 Copy of filled-up bill to be laid before Chairman of Committees (HC 84)

(1) Before the day appointed for the consideration of any private bill by a committee there shall be laid before the Chairman of Committees, by the promoters of the bill or their agent, a copy of the bill as proposed to be submitted to the committee, signed by the  promoters  or  their agent, together with copies of any estimates deposited in accordance with Standing Order 45 (Deposit and form of estimates).

(2) In the case of an opposed or re-committed bill, such copies as mentioned in paragraph (1) shall be so laid not less than two clear days before the day so appointed.

124 Limits of committee's power to hear evidence (HC 136)

A committee on a private bill shall not, without express authority from the House, hear evidence other than that which may be tendered by any parties entitled to be heard.

124A County council bills altering functions of district councils: proof of need (HC 136A)

(1) A committee on a private bill promoted by the council of a county shall not hear evidence that a provision in the bill that alters functions of the council of a district in the county is acceptable to that district council unless the evidence comprises proof, as required by paragraph (3) of this order, that the inclusion in the bill of that provision has been approved by that district council in the manner required by paragraph (2) of this order.

(2) Approval for the purposes of paragraph (1) shall be by resolution passed by a majority of the whole number of the members of the council of the district at a meeting thereof held after ten clear days' notice of the meeting, and of the purposes thereof, has been given by advertisement in one or more local newspapers circulating in the district, such notice being given in addition to the ordinary notice required to be given for the convening of a meeting of the council.

(3) The proof referred to in paragraph (1) shall be a document purporting to be a copy of the resolution referred to in paragraph (2) together with a certificate purporting to be signed by the proper officer of the council to the effect that the copy is a true copy and that the resolution was passed by the majority, and after the notice, mentioned in that paragraph.

(4) A provision that alters functions of a member or an officer of the council of a district shall for the purposes of this order be deemed to alter functions of that council.

(5) This order shall apply to Greater London as if it were a county, the Greater London Authority were the council of the county and councils of London boroughs were councils of districts in the county.

125 Committee not to inquire into standing orders to be proved before Examiners (HC 139)

A committee shall not examine into the compliance or non-compliance with such standing orders as are directed to be proved before the Examiners.

126 Committees may admit affidavits as evidence

The committee on any private bill may, if they  think fit, admit affidavits in proof of any allegation, deed or document mentioned or set forth in the bill or in any schedule thereto.

127 Reports by ministers of the Crown (HC 144)

(1) All reports on a private bill, or its objects, which are—
       (a) made by a minister of the Crown, and
       (b) presented to the House by being deposited in the office of the Clerk of the Parliaments,
shall stand referred to the committee on the  bill.

(2) Where a recommendation is made in any such report, the committee—
       (a) may, if they think fit, hear a person nominated by the minister in explanation of the recommendation, and
       (b) shall note the recommendation in their report and, if they do not agree to it, shall state their reasons for 

128 Printing of bills as amended in committee (HC 179)

Every private bill, as amended in committee, shall be printed at the expense of the promoters and copies thereof deposited in the office of the Clerk of the Parliaments before the third reading, unless the Chairman of Committees shall consider the reprinting to be unnecessary.


129 Scheduled agreements to be subject to alteration by Parliament (HC 157)

(1) Where it is sought by any bill to give parliamentary sanction to any agreement, the agreement shall be annexed to the bill as a schedule thereto, and shall be printed in extenso.

(2) Any agreement intended to be scheduled to any bill shall contain a clause declaring the same to be made subject to such alterations as Parliament may think fit to make therein; but if the committee on the bill make any material alteration in any such agreement it shall be competent to any party thereto to withdraw  therefrom.

130 Arrangements between parties and undertakings given to committees

It shall be a condition of the acceptance by any committee of this House of—
       (a) any arrangement between the promoters of a private bill and any other party appearing before the 
            committee, or
       (b) any undertaking given to the committee by or on behalf of the promoters or any such other party;
that any difference arising, after the discharge of the committee, between the parties to the arrangement, or the persons concerned with the undertaking, in relation to the same shall be determined by the Chairman of Committees.