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Standing Orders compliance with which is to be proved before one of the examiners

  • Notices by Advertisement
  • Notices to owners, lessees and occupiers
  • Consents of local and highway authorities
  • Documents required to be deposited, etc., and the times and places of deposit, etc.
  • Deposited plans, books of reference, sections and cross sections
  • Bills brought from the House of Commons
  • Consents of proprietors or members of companies, and of persons named as directors

Notices by Advertisement

4 Contents of notice (HC 4)

(1) In the case of every petition for a private bill a notice—
       (a) shall be published as provided in Standing Order 10 (Publication of notice in newspapers); and
       (b) shall contain a concise summary of the purposes of the bill, but without detailed particulars and without 
            any reference to provisions of an ancillary, subsidiary, or consequential nature intended to give effect to 
            any such purpose:

Provided that in the case of a bill whereby it is proposed to authorise the promoters—
       (a) to amalgamate with any company, or
       (b) to sell or lease their undertaking to any authority, company or other person, or
       (c) to purchase or take on lease the undertaking of any authority, company or other person, or
       (d) to enter into a working agreement or traffic arrangement with any authority, company or other person,
the notice shall name the authority, company or other person with, to or from whom it is proposed that the amalgamation, sale, purchase, lease, agreement, or arrangement is to be made.

(2) The notice shall also state—
       (a) that on and after 4th December copies of the bill, or as the case may be copies of part of the bill, may be 
            inspected, and at a reasonable price obtained, at the offices required by the next following order, which 
            offices shall be named in the notice;
       (b) the time within which objection may be made by the submission of a petition to the office of the Clerk of 
            the Parliaments or the Private Bill Office of the House of Commons; and
       (c) that information regarding the submission of such petitions may be obtained from either of those offices or 
            from the agents for the promoters, and give the appropriate website and contact details.

(3) The notice shall be headed by the short title of the bill, and shall be subscribed with the name of the person responsible for the publication of the notice.

4A Copies of bill to be made available (HC 4A)

(1) The promoters shall on and after 4th December make available for inspection, and for sale at a reasonable price, copies of the bill at an office in London and, if it affects Wales, at an office in Cardiff and, if it affects Scotland, at an office in Edinburgh and, if it affects Northern Ireland, at an office in Belfast. It shall be sufficient compliance with this paragraph if the promoters supply copies without additional charge by post or electronically, as requested and within a reasonable time. Copies shall also be made available for inspection and sale on the same basis—
       (a) if the bill is promoted by, or alters functions of, a local authority, other than a parish council or 
            parish meeting, or community council or community meeting, at an office in the area of the authority;
       (b) if the bill alters functions of a parish council or parish meeting, or community council or community 
            meeting, at an office in the district in which the parish, or (in Wales) in the county or county borough in 
            which the community, is situated;
       (c) if the bill is not promoted by a local authority, at an office in the county, metropolitan district, unitary 
            district or London borough or (in Wales) the county or county borough or (in Scotland) the local 
            government area in which the promoters' principal office is situated;
       (d) if the bill authorises the construction of works to which Standing Order 27 (Deposit of plan, book of 
            reference, section, etc.) applies, or the compulsory acquisition of lands or of rights to use lands, 
            or extends the time limited by a former Act for any of those purposes, at an office in each of the 
            counties, metropolitan districts, unitary districts or London boroughs or (in Wales) the counties or county 
            boroughs or (in Scotland) the local government areas in which the works are to be, or the lands are, 

(2) It shall be sufficient compliance with sub-paragraph (a) or (b) of paragraph (1) to make available for inspection and for sale in the area of the local authority or, as the case may be, in the district, or (in Wales) in the county or county borough, copies of such part only of the bill as alters functions of the local authority or, as the case may be, of the parish or community council or parish or community meeting.

(3) It shall be sufficient compliance with sub-paragraph (d) of paragraph (1) to make available for inspection and for sale in the county, metropolitan district, unitary district or London borough or (in Wales) the county or county borough or (in Scotland) the local government area; copies of such part only of the bill as authorises the construction of works or the compulsory acquisition of lands or of rights to use lands in that county, metropolitan district, unitary district or London borough or (in Wales) the county or county borough or (in Scotland) the local government area, or as extends the time limited by a former Act for any of those purposes.

(4) The offices of a local authority, if situated outside the area of that authority, shall for the purposes of this order be deemed to be in that area.

(5) A bill that alters functions of a member or an officer of a local authority shall for the purposes of this order be deemed to alter functions of that authority.

5 Further particulars in case of certain bills (HC 5)

(1) In the case of bills in respect of which plans are required to be deposited under Standing Order 27 (Deposit of plan, book of reference, section, etc.), the notice shall also contain—
       (a) the names of the districts in England or the counties or county boroughs in Wales and the parishes or 
            communities in which is situate any work or land in respect of which plans are required to be so deposited; 
       (b) a statement of the officers with whom plans, sections (if any) and books of reference have been deposited 
            in accordance with the requirements of Standing Orders 27 (Deposit of plan, book of reference, section, 
            etc.) and 36 (Deposit of copy of plan, etc., in certain cases with certain local authorities); and
       (c) where it is proposed by the bill to authorise the construction of works, a general description of the nature 
            of the works; and
       (d) where it is proposed by the bill to authorise the compulsory acquisition of the surface of, or of rights to 
            use the surface of—
                  (i) any common or commonable land, or
                  (ii) any public park or public open space, or
                  (iii) any protected square mentioned in the Schedule to the London Squares Preservation Act 1931;
            the name or, if it has no name, the description of the common or commonable land, park, open space or 
            protected square, the district and parish or community in which it is situate, and an estimate of the area
            of so much of such surface as is proposed to be compulsorily acquired or used;
       (e) where it is proposed by the bill to stop up or divert any specified public footpath or bridleway, a general 
            description of that footpath or bridleway, and
       (f) where it is proposed by the bill to confer powers authorising any alteration or disturbance of the surface of 
            any street or road in connection with the construction of a tramway, tram road, trolley vehicle system or
            an underground railway, a general description of the roads or streets which may be affected by the 
            exercise of the power and of the circumstances in which, and the extent to which, it is envisaged that the 
            power may be exercised.

(2) This order shall apply to a London borough as if it were a district.

6 Particulars in case of gas works, burial ground, etc., bills (HC 6)

(1) In the case of a bill by which it is proposed to authorise—
       (a) the construction of gas works or sewage works, or works for the manufacture or conversion of the residual 
            products of gas or sewage, or a station for generating electricity, or
       (b) the making, construction or extension of a sewage farm, cemetery, burial ground, crematorium, destructor 
            or hospital for infectious diseases,
the notice shall state the name of the district in England or the county or county borough in Wales and the parish or community in which such works, generating station, farm, cemetery, burial ground, crematorium, destructor or hospital are intended to be made, constructed or extended.

(2) This order shall apply to a London borough as if it were a district.

7 Particulars in case of tramway bills (HC 7)

In the case of a bill by which it is proposed to authorise the construction of a tramway, the notice shall specify by reference to the deposited plans at what point or points (if any), and on which side of the street or road, it is proposed to lay such tramway, so that for a distance of 10 metres or upwards—
       (a) a less space than 3 metres, or
       (b) if it is intended to run thereon carriages or trucks adapted for use upon railways, a less space than 3.3 
shall intervene between the outside of the footpath on either side of the street or road and the nearest rail of the tramway.

8 Particulars in case of tramway and tramroad bills (HC 8)

In the case of a bill by which it is proposed to authorise the construction of a tramway or tramroad, the notice shall specify the gauge to be adopted and the motive power to be employed.

9 Particulars in case of waterway, etc., bills (HC 9)

(1) In the case of a bill by which it is proposed to authorise the diversion into any existing or intended waterway or into any intended variation, extension or enlargement thereof, of any water from any existing waterway—
       (a) whether the water is to be abstracted directly or indirectly from any such waterway or from any feeder 
            thereof, and
       (b) whether under any agreement with the proprietors thereof or otherwise,
the notice shall contain the name or description of every such last-mentioned waterway.

(2) In this order “waterway” includes cut, reservoir and aqueduct.

10 Publication of notice in newspapers (HC 10)

(1) The notice shall be published in the newspapers prescribed by paragraph (2), once in each of two consecutive weeks with an interval of at least six clear days between publications, the second publication being not later than 11th December.

(2) The newspapers referred to in paragraph (1) are the following:—
       (a) if the bill is promoted by, or alters functions of, a local authority, a newspaper or newspapers circulating in 
            the area of the authority;
       (b) if the bill is not promoted by a local authority, a newspaper or newspapers circulating in the county, 
            metropolitan district, unitary district or London borough or (in Wales) the county or county borough or (in 
            Scotland) the local government area in which the promoters' principal office is situated;
       (c) if the bill authorises the construction of works to which Standing Order 27 (Deposit of plan, book of 
            reference, section, etc.) applies, or the compulsory acquisition of lands or of rights to use lands, or 
            extends the time limited by a former Act for any of those purposes, a newspaper or newspapers circulating 
            in each of the counties, metropolitan districts, unitary districts or London boroughs or (in Wales) the 
            counties or county boroughs or (in Scotland) the local government areas in which the works are to be, or 
            the lands are, situated.

(3) Where part only of a bill alters functions of a local authority, it shall be sufficient compliance with paragraph (1) to publish, in a newspaper or newspapers circulating in the area of the authority, so much only of the notice as relates to that part.

(4) Where part only of a bill authorises the construction of works or the compulsory acquisition of lands or of rights to use lands in a county, metropolitan district, unitary district or London borough, or extends the time limited by a former Act for any of those purposes, it shall be sufficient compliance with paragraph (1) to publish, in a newspaper or newspapers circulating in the county, metropolitan district, unitary district or London borough, so much only of the notice as relates to that part.

(5) A bill that alters functions of a member or an officer of a local authority shall for the purposes of this order be deemed to alter functions of that authority.

(6) This order shall apply to Greater London as if it were a county.

10A Publication of notice relating to works bill (HC 10A)

(1) If the bill—
       (a) authorises the construction of works to which Standing Order 27 (Deposit of plan, book of reference, and 
            section, etc.) applies, or the compulsory acquisition of lands or of rights to use lands, or
       (b) extends the time limited by a former Act for any of those purposes,
the notice shall be displayed for two consecutive weeks ending not later than 11th December at a place of public resort in each of the counties, metropolitan districts, unitary districts or London boroughs or (in Wales) the counties or county boroughs or (in Scotland) the local government areas in which the works are to be, or the lands are, situated.

(2) It shall be sufficient compliance with the requirement in paragraph (1) that notices shall be displayed for two consecutive weeks for the promoters to use reasonable endeavours to secure that the notices are so displayed.

(3) For the purposes of paragraph (1), “place of public resort” includes a public library and a local government office.

11 Publication of notice in the Gazette (HC 11)

(1) Not later than 11th December there shall be published once in the London Gazette and, if any powers are sought by the bill which affect Scotland or Northern Ireland, also once in the Edinburgh Gazette or in the Belfast Gazette, as the case may be, a short notice stating—
       (a) the short title of the bill;
       (b) the time within which objection may be made by submission of a petition to the office of the Clerk of the 
            Parliaments or the Private Bill Office of the House of Commons and that information regarding the 
            submission of such petitions may be obtained from either of those offices or from the agents for the 
       (c) the offices at which copies of the bill may be inspected and obtained mentioned in the  full notice;
       (d) in the case of a bill in respect of which plans are required to be deposited under Standing Order 27 
            (Deposit of plan, book of reference, section, etc.), the officers with whom plans have been deposited 
            either under that order or under Standing Order 36 (Deposit of copy of plan, etc., in certain cases with 
            certain local authorities).

(2) A notice published in the Edinburgh Gazette or in the Belfast Gazette need contain such only of the particulars referred to in paragraphs (c) and (d) of paragraph (1) as relate to Scotland or to Northern Ireland, as the case may be.

12 Posting of notices in case of tramway, etc., bills (HC 12)

(1) In the case of a bill by which it is proposed, in connection with the construction of a tramway or a trolley vehicle system or an underground railway or tramroad, to alter or disturb the surface of any street or road—
       (a) not later than 12th November application shall be made in writing to every authority having control of any 
            street or road the surface of which it is proposed to alter or disturb for directions as to the manner in 
            which notice of such proposed alteration or disturbance is to be posted in, or where that is not reasonably 
            practicable, in some conspicuous position as close as is reasonably practicable to, the street or road;
       (b) not later than 20th November notice of such proposed alteration or disturbance shall be posted in, or 
            where that is not reasonably practicable, in some conspicuous position as close as is reasonably 
            practicable to, every such street or road in the manner directed by the said authority, or—
                  (i) if no directions have been received from the said authority within seven days after the 
                       said application, or
                  (ii) if the directions received cannot reasonably be complied with,
            in some conspicuous position in the street or road, or where that is not reasonably practicable,  in some 
            conspicuous position as close as is reasonably practicable to the street or  road;
       (c) the said notice shall be kept posted as aforesaid for not less than fourteen consecutive days.

(2) Where it is proposed to alter or disturb the surface of any street or road in connection with the construction of a tramway or an underground railway or tramroad, the notice posted under this order in the street or road shall also state the place or places at which the plans of the tramway, railway or tramroad will be or have been deposited for public inspection under—
       (a) Standing Order 27 (Deposit of plan, book or reference, section, etc.), and
       (b) Standing Order 36 (Deposit of copy of plan, etc., in certain cases with certain local authorities)
with local government officers for areas comprising the street or road or any part thereof.

12A Posting of notices in case of stopping up, etc., of public footpaths or bridleways (HC 12A)

In the case of a bill by which it is proposed to stop up or divert any specified public footpath or bridleway, not later than 20th November notice of the proposal shall be displayed in a prominent position—
       (a) at each end (“the notifiable end”) of the part of the footpath or bridleway proposed to be stopped up or 
            diverted; or
       (b) where the notifiable end is not reasonably accessible or its exact location is not readily visible, at some 
            other place where the notice is likely to come to the attention of persons seeking to use the footpath or 

Notices to owners, lessees and occupiers

13 Notice to owners, etc. (HC 13)

On or before 5th December in the case of a bill by which it is proposed—
       (a) to authorise the compulsory acquisition of land, or of rights to use land, or
       (b) to extend the time limited by any former Act for any such purpose, or
       (c) to render any land or house liable to the imposition of an improvement charge,
notice in writing of the proposal shall be given to the owner, lessee and occupier of each parcel of land or house affected, in the form, as nearly as may be, set forth in Appendix A, unless, in the case of an owner or lessee, his identity cannot after reasonable inquiry be ascertained.

14 Notice to frontagers in case of tramways (HC 14)

On or before 5th December in the case of a bill by which it is proposed to authorise the construction of a tramway, notice in writing of the proposal shall be given to the owner, lessee and occupier of each house, shop or warehouse abutting upon any part of any street or road where, for a distance of 10 metres or upwards, it is proposed  that—
       (a) a less space than 3 metres, or
       (b) if it is intended to run on the tramway carriages or trucks adapted for use upon railways, a less space than 
            3.3 metres,
shall intervene between the outside of the footpath on either side of the road and the nearest rail of the  tramway.

15 Notice to owners and lessees of railways, etc., affected by proposed tramway or trolley vehicle system (HC 15)

(1) On or before 5th December, in the case of a bill by which it is proposed to authorise the construction of a tramway or trolley vehicle system either—
       (a) crossing any railway, tramroad, tramway or trolley vehicle system on the level or by means of a bridge; or
       (b) crossing any canal by means of a bridge; or
       (c) otherwise affecting or interfering with any railway, tramroad, tramway, trolley vehicle system or canal,
notice in writing of the proposal shall be given to the owner, and (if leased) also to the lessee, of the railway, tramroad, tramway, trolley vehicle system or canal to be crossed or affected.

(2) Where the bill proposes to authorise the construction of a tramway, the notice shall also state  the place or  places at which the plans of the tramway have been or will be deposited for public inspection.

16 Notice to mill-owners, etc., where water is to be impounded or abstracted (HC 16)

(1) On or before 5th December in the case of a bill by which it is proposed to authorise the impounding of the waters of, or the abstraction of water from, any stream at a point at which the stream is not navigable, notice in writing of the proposal shall be given to the owner, lessee and occupier of each mill, factory or other work using  the  waters of the stream at any point within a distance, to be measured along the course of the stream, of 32 kilometres below the point at which the water is intended to be impounded or abstracted.

(2) If, within a less distance than 32 kilometres, the waters flow into or unite with a navigable stream, the notice shall be given to the owner, lessee and occupier of each such mill, factory or other work as above mentioned which is situate between the said point and the point at which the waters of the stream flow into or unite with the navigable stream.

(3) The notice shall state—
       (a) the name (if any) by which the stream is known at the point at which the water is intended to be 
            impounded or abstracted;
       (b) the district in England, London borough or county or county borough in Wales, and the parish or 
            community, in which such point is situate; and
       (c) the time and place of deposit of plans, sections and books of reference with the proper officers of councils 
            of counties, metropolitan districts, unitary districts or London boroughs or (in Wales) counties or county 

(4) This order shall apply to Greater London as if it were a county and the Greater London Authority were the council of the county.

17 Notice to owners and occupiers of houses in case of gas works, burial ground, etc., bills (HC 17)

On or before 5th December in the case of a bill by which it is proposed to authorise—
       (a) the construction of gas works or sewage works, or works for the manufacture or conversion of the residual 
            products of gas or sewage, or a station for generating electricity, or
       (b) the making, construction or extension of a sewage farm, cemetery, burial ground, crematorium, destructor 
            or hospital for infectious diseases,
notice in writing of the proposal shall be given to the owner, lessee and occupier of each dwelling-house situate within 275 metres of the land intended to be used for any such purpose.

18 Notice to owners, etc., in case of relinquishment of works (HC 18)

On or before 5th December in the case of a bill by which the whole or any part of a work authorised by any former Act, but not constructed, is proposed to be relinquished, notice in writing of the proposal shall be given to the owner, lessee and occupier of each parcel of land in which any part of the said work proposed to be relinquished might have been situate.

19 Notice to owners, etc., in case of alteration or repeal of protective provisions (HC 19)

On or before 11th December in the case of a bill by which any express statutory provision then in force  for—
       (a) the protection of the owner, lessee or occupier of any specifically designated property; or
       (b) the protection or benefit of any public trustees or commissioners, corporation or other person, specifically 
            named in such provision,
is proposed to be altered or repealed, notice in writing of the proposal shall be given to the person or each of the persons for the time being entitled to enforce such statutory provision, unless after reasonable inquiry the identity of any such persons cannot be  ascertained.

19A Notice in case of alteration of court order (HC 19A)

On or before 11th December in the case of a bill containing provisions the effect of which is to confer power to disregard an order or undertaking then in force made by or given to a court, notice in writing of the proposal shall be given to the person at whose instance the order was made or the undertaking was given or his personal representative unless after reasonable inquiry his identity cannot be  ascertained.

19B Notice to debenture holders (HC 19B)

(1) On or before 11th December in the case  of  a  bill by which it is proposed to vary the rights of all or any of the debenture holders of any local authority, or of any company within the meaning of the Companies Act 1985 or otherwise constituted, notice in writing of the proposal shall be given to each of the debenture holders whose rights it is proposed to vary.

(2) A bill shall  be  deemed  for  the  purposes  of  this order to vary the rights of the holder of a debenture only if it authorises—
       (a) in the case of an irredeemable debenture, its redemption;
       (b) in the case of a redeemable debenture, the alteration of the date or the terms on which it may be 
       (c) the creation or issue of any debenture with priority over, or ranking pari passu with, the first-mentioned 
            debenture contrary to the terms on which that debenture was created or issued.

(3) In this order “debenture” means any debenture, debenture stock, mortgage or other  similar  security  issued  by  a local authority or company, whether or not it entitles the holders thereof to a charge on the whole or any part of the property of the authority or company, and “debenture holder” shall be construed accordingly.

20 Notice to owners, etc., in case of alteration or repeal of provision relating to nuisance (HC 20)

On or before 11th December in the case of a bill by which any express statutory provision relating to nuisance arising on any lands is proposed to be altered or repealed, notice in writing of the proposal shall be given  to  the owner, lessee and occupier of each dwelling-house situate within 275 metres of the said lands unless after reasonable inquiry the identity of any such persons cannot be  ascertained.

21 Notice in case of application for compulsory running powers (HC 21)

On or before 11th December in the case of a bill by which any compulsory running powers are proposed to be taken over any railway or tramroad, notice in writing of the proposal shall be given to the person owning or working such railway or tramroad.

22 Mode of giving notice (HC 22)

(1) Notices under Standing Orders 13 to 21 shall be given—
       (a) by delivering the notice personally to the party entitled thereto, or by leaving it at his usual place of 
            abode, or (in his absence from the United Kingdom) by delivering it personally to his agent, or (where that 
            party is a local authority, or a company, society, association or other body howsoever constituted) by 
            delivering the notice personally to the proper officer or secretary thereof; or
       (b) by forwarding the notice by post in a registered letter, addressed with a sufficient direction to—
                  (i) the principal office of the party (being a local authority, company, society, association or other 
                       body), or
                  (ii) in any other case the usual place of abode of the party or (in his absence from the United 
                       Kingdom) of his agent,
and posted on or before the third day previously to the day required for delivery thereof personally, at such places, at such hours, and  according to such regulations as the Post Office may  from time to time have appointed for the posting and registration of such letters.

(2) This order, in its application to a local authority being a parish or community council, shall have effect—
       (a) as if the reference to the proper officer of the authority included a reference to the chairman thereof, and
       (b) as if the reference to the principal office of the authority included a reference to the usual place of abode 
            of the proper officer or chairman thereof;
and, in its application to a local authority being a parish or community meeting, shall have effect as if the reference to the proper officer of the authority and the principal office thereof were a reference to the chairman thereof and his usual place of abode.

(3) Every such notice shall be accompanied by a copy of the standing orders which regulate the time and mode of presenting petitions in opposition to bills.

23 Evidence of notice (HC 23)

(1) In all cases the written acknowledgement of the party to whom a notice has been given shall, in the absence of other proof, be sufficient evidence of the giving of the notice.

(2) In case of a notice forwarded by a registered letter, the production of the post office receipt for the letter shall be sufficient evidence of the due delivery thereof, if it appears that the letter was properly and sufficiently directed, and that it was not returned by the post office as undelivered.

24 Notice on Sunday, etc., invalid (HC 24)

No notice under the preceding orders given on Sunday, Christmas Day, Good Friday, or any bank holiday, or before 8 am or after 8 pm of any day, shall be deemed valid, except in the case of delivery of letters by post.

Consents of local and highway authorities

25 Consents in case of tramway bill (HC 25)

(1) In the case of a bill by which it is proposed to authorise the construction of a tramway—
       (a) the promoters shall obtain the consent of the local authority of each area through which it is proposed to 
            construct the tramway; and
       (b) where as respects any street or highway the local authority is not the highway authority, the consent of 
            the highway authority shall also be necessary in any case where power is sought to break up that street 
            or road.

(2) Where it is proposed to construct a continuous line of tramway in two or more areas, and any local or highway authority having jurisdiction in any of those areas does not consent thereto, the consents of the local and highway authority, or of the local and highway authorities, having jurisdiction over two-thirds of the length of the proposed line of tramway, shall be deemed to be sufficient.

(3) In this order “road” has the same meaning as in the Tramways Act 1870, and “local authority” means the council of a London borough, district in England or county or county borough in Wales.

25A Consents required under the Greater London Authority Act 1999 (HC 25A)

(1) In the case of a bill promoted by the Greater London Authority, Transport for London or the London Development Agency there shall be deposited in the office of the Clerk of the Parliaments on or before 27th November the following documents, as appropriate, namely—
       (a) where the relevant consent provision applies to the bill, copies of the pre-deposit consents;
       (b) where the relevant consent provision does not apply, a statement to that effect.

(2) The relevant consent provision for the purposes of paragraph (1) is––
       (a) in the case of a bill promoted by the Greater London Authority, paragraph 6 of Schedule 5 to the Greater 
            London Authority Act 1999 (“the 1999 Act”);
       (b) in the case of a bill promoted by Transport for London, paragraph 5 of Schedule 13 to the 1999 Act;
       (c) in the case of a bill promoted by the London Development Agency, paragraph 5 of Schedule 6A to the 
            Regional Development Agencies Act 1998 (“the 1998 Act”) (as inserted by Schedule 25 to the 1999 Act).

(3) In the case of a bill promoted  by  the  council  of  a London borough, Transport for London or the London Development Agency there shall be deposited in the Office of the Clerk of the Parliaments on 11th December or as soon as practicable thereafter the following documents, as appropriate, namely––
       (a) where the relevant consent provision applies to the bill—
                  (i) copies of the pre-deposit consents and post-deposit confirmations of consents; or
                  (ii) if confirmation of consent has not been given, a statement that the relevant withdrawal provision 
                       applies; or
                  (iii) if confirmation of consent is given conditionally on the amendment of the bill, a statement that the 
                       relevant amendment provision applies;
       (b) where the relevant consent provision does not apply, a statement to that effect.

Paragraph (a)(ii) does not apply to a bill promoted by the council of a London borough.

In this paragraph “pre-deposit consent” includes a consent given in accordance with the relevant consent provision after deposit of the bill.

(4) The relevant consent provision for the purposes of paragraph (3) is––
       (a) in the case of a bill promoted by the council of a London borough, section 79(2) of the 1999 Act;
       (b) in the case of a bill promoted by Transport for London, section 167(2) of the 1999 Act;
       (c) in the case of a bill promoted by the London Development Agency, section 26A(2) of the 1998 Act.

(5) The relevant withdrawal provision for the purposes of paragraph (3) is––
       (a) in the case of a bill promoted by Transport for London, section 167(3) of the 1999 Act;
       (b) in the case of a bill promoted by the London Development Agency, section 26A(3) of the 1998 Act.

(6) The relevant amendment provision for the purposes of paragraph (3) is––
       (a) in the case of a bill promoted by Transport for London, section 167(4) of the 1999 Act;
       (b) in the case of a bill promoted by the London Development Agency, section 26A(4) of the 1998 Act.

Documents required to be deposited, etc., and the times and places of deposit, etc.

26 Deposit on Sunday, etc., invalid (HC 26)

No deposit required by the following orders shall be deemed valid if made on Sunday, Christmas Day, Good Friday, or any bank holiday, or before 8 am, or after 8 pm of any day (see also Standing Order 201 (Time for delivering notices and making deposits)).

27 Deposit of plan, book of reference, section, etc. (HC 27)

(1) This order applies in the case of a bill by which it is proposed—
       (a) to authorise the construction of works to which this order applies, or the alteration of any such works 
            authorised by a former Act; or
       (b) to authorise the compulsory acquisition of any lands or buildings or of rights to use any lands or buildings; 
       (c) to render liable to the imposition of an improvement charge any lands or buildings.

(2) Subject to paragraphs (3) and (4), there shall, on or before 20th November be deposited with the proper officer of the council of each county, metropolitan district, unitary district or London borough, or (in Wales) of each county or county borough or (in Scotland) of each local government area in which any such works, land or buildings are situate—
       (a) a plan of  the  works or  alteration of  works, and of the lands or buildings, and a book of reference 
            thereto, and
       (b) where the construction or alteration of works is proposed to be authorised, a section of the works to be 
            constructed or the alteration to be made.

Such documents may be deposited, if the officer agrees, in electronic form.

(3) It shall be sufficient (at the option of the promoters) to deposit with the proper officer of the council of each county, metropolitan district, unitary district and London borough and (in Wales) of each county or county borough and (in Scotland) of each local government area, so much only of the said plan, and section and book of reference as relates to the works, lands or buildings in the county, metropolitan district, unitary district or London borough, or (in Wales) the county or county borough or (in Scotland) the local government area.

(4) In the case of a bill by which it is proposed to revive the powers granted by a former Act for the construction or alteration of works, the deposit of a plan and section of the works shall not be required if—
       (a) the former Act was passed not more  than ten years previously to the deposit of the petition for the bill; or
       (b) the lands in or upon which the works are proposed to be constructed or altered have been acquired by, or 
            are vested in, the promoters; or
       (c) the construction or alteration of the works has been commenced.

(5) In the case of a bill by which it is proposed to authorise the construction of a railway or tramroad, there shall be deposited with such plans an ordnance map on the scale of 1/50,000 with the line of the railway or tramroad delineated thereon so as to show its general course or direction.

(6) Any such plan, section, book of reference and ordnance map may, instead of being deposited as aforesaid, be sent by registered post to the office of the proper officer of the council of the county, metropolitan district, unitary district or London borough, or (in Wales) of the county or county borough or (in Scotland) of the local government area, and if so sent shall be posted on or before 17th November.

(7) Any deposit made under this Standing Order shall be accompanied by a schedule of documents detailing the documents so deposited.

(8) The proper officer or chief executive of the council of each county, metropolitan district, or London borough, or (in Wales) each county or county borough or (in Scotland) each local government area—
       (a) shall record on a copy of the schedule of documents deposited the date and hour when it was lodged at 
            his office, and
       (b) shall at all reasonable hours of the day permit any person to inspect such documents and to obtain copies 
            thereof or extracts therefrom, and it shall be sufficient compliance with this paragraph if there is provided 
            to that person, on request and within a reasonable time, copies of so much of the documents as the 
            person may reasonably require, and such copies may, if the person so agrees, be provided in electronic

(9) On or before 20th November one copy of every such plan, section, book of reference and ordnance map shall be deposited in the office of the Clerk of the Parliaments and copies shall be deposited in accordance with Standing Order 1A.

(10) The works to which this order applies are works of any of the following descriptions:—
       Drainage—where it is not provided in the bill that the cut shall not be more than 3.4 metres wide at the 
       Embankment for reclaiming land from the sea or any tidal river.
       Motor road. 
       Public carriage road. 
       Sewer or water pipe the internal diameter of which exceeds 1 metre.
       Waterwork  (not  including  any  underground  pipe the internal diameter of which does not exceed 1 metre).

(11) This order shall apply to Greater London as if it were a county and the Greater London Authority were the council of the county.

27A Environmental assessment (HC 27A)

(1) Subject to paragraph (9), in the case of a bill authorising the carrying out of works the nature and extent of which are specified in the bill on land so specified, there shall be deposited on or before 4th December in the office of the Clerk of the Parliaments and in accordance with Standing Order 1A either—
       (a) a copy or copies (as specified for the purposes of Standing Order 1A) of an environmental statement 
            containing in relation to the works authorised by the bill—
                  (i) the information specified in paragraph (2), and
                  (ii) a report which identifies, describes and evaluates reasonable alternatives to the works authorised 
                       by the bill, taking into account the objectives and geographical scope of the bill; or
       (b) a copy or copies (as so specified) of a direction by the Secretary of State that no such statement is 
            necessary in relation to the works authorised by the bill.

(2) The information referred to in paragraph (1)(a)(i) is—
       (a) the information referred to in regulation 18(3)(a) to (e) and (4)(b) of the Town and Country Planning 
            (Environmental Impact Assessment) Regulations 2017 (S.I. 2017/571) (referred to below as “the EIA 
            Regulations”), together with any additional  information  specified  in  Schedule 4 to the EIA Regulations 
            which is relevant to the specific characteristics of the works authorised by the bill and to the 
            environmental features likely to be significantly affected, or
       (b) such of the information mentioned in paragraph (a) as the Secretary of State may in any particular case 

(3) An environmental statement deposited under this order shall be prepared by persons who have sufficient expertise to ensure the completeness and quality of the statement and shall take into account the matters referred to in regulation 18(4)(c) of the EIA Regulations.

(4) Where any such works authorised by a bill relate to two or more distinct projects each project may be treated separately for the purposes of paragraphs (1) and (2); and the references in those paragraphs to the works authorised by the bill shall accordingly be construed, where the paragraph applies separately to each project, as references to the works comprised in that project.

(5) Notwithstanding any direction given as mentioned in paragraph (2)(b), any environmental statement of which copies  are  deposited  under  this  Order  shall  contain the summary (referred to below as “the non-technical summary”) required by regulation 18(3)(e) of, and paragraph 9 of Schedule 4 to, the EIA Regulations.

(6) Where the Secretary of State has given a direction as mentioned in paragraph (2)(b), a copy  of  the direction shall be deposited with every copy of the environmental statement deposited under this order; and every copy of a direction so deposited or deposited under paragraph (1)(b) shall be accompanied by a statement by the Secretary of State of his reasons for giving the direction.

(7) Copies of every environmental statement deposited under this order shall be made available for inspection, and for sale at a  reasonable  price, on  and  after  4th December, at the offices at which copies of the bill are required to be made available under Standing Order 4A (Copies of bill to be made available); and there shall also be made available separately on and after that date at those offices, for inspection and for sale at a reasonable price, copies of the non-technical summary. It shall be sufficient compliance with this paragraph if the promoters make copies of the environmental statement and non-technical summary available for inspection in electronic form and supply copies without additional charge by post or electronically, as requested and within a reasonable time.

(8) References in this order to any provision of the EIA Regulations are references to that provision as amended from time to time and include references to the corresponding provision of any regulations which re-enact the EIA Regulations, with or without  amendment.

(9) This order does not require the deposit of copies of an environmental statement in relation to any works for which planning permission has been granted.

28 [Repealed 30th July 1964]

29 Deposit of map in case of tramway, etc., bill (HC 29)

In the case of a bill by which it is proposed to authorise the construction of a tramway or the establishment or extension of a trolley vehicle system, copies of an ordnance map on a scale of not less than 1/10,000, with the line of the proposed tramway or trolley vehicle system marked thereon, shall, on or before 20th November, be deposited in accordance with Standing Order 1A and one copy shall be deposited in the office of the Clerk of the  Parliaments.

30 Deposit of map in case of bill for supply of electricity (HC 30)

In the case of a bill by which it is proposed to authorise the supply of electricity, an ordnance map on a scale of not less than 1/50,000, with the proposed area of supply marked thereon, shall, on or before 20th November, be deposited in accordance with Standing Order  1A.

30A Deposit of map in case of bill for taking water supply (HC 30A)

(1) In the case of a bill by which it is proposed that any water may be taken, collected, or  impounded  for  the purpose of a water supply, the promoters shall, on or before 20th November, deposit in accordance with Standing Order 1A and also at the office of the Clerk of the Parliaments, an ordnance map on the scale of not less than 1/50,000—
       (a) showing  by  a  distinguishing  mark  the  position of each reservoir, well, conduit, or other work proposed 
            to be authorised by the bill, and
       (b) where the proposed source of supply is a river, stream, or lake, showing by a clearly marked line the 
            catchment area or gathering ground from which the waters are derived.

(2) Where, under the powers of any bill it is proposed to supply with water any area not previously included within the promoters' limits of supply, the promoters shall similarly deposit an ordnance map on the scale of 1/50,000, showing respectively the existing limits of supply and the area proposed to be added thereto.

31 Deposit of copy of plan, etc., in case of bill affecting tidal lands (HC 31)

(1) In the case of a bill by which it is proposed that tidal lands below the level of mean high-water springs should be acquired, or in any way affected—
       (a) a copy of so much of the deposited plan and section (if any) as relates to the said tidal lands, shall, on or 
            before 20th November, be deposited in accordance with Standing Order 1A, marked “TIDAL WATERS”; and
       (b) on such copy all tidal waters below the said line shall be coloured blue, and if the plan includes any 
            proposed bridge across any such tidal waters, the dimensions as regards span and headway of the nearest 
            bridges (if any) across the same tidal waters above and below the proposed bridge shall be marked thereon.

(2) Where it is proposed by the bill to authorise the construction of works to which Standing Order 27 (Deposit of plan, book of reference, section, etc.) applies affecting tidal lands below the said line, the copies so deposited of the plan and section shall, if the plan is not based on an ordnance map, be accompanied by an ordnance map with the position and extent or route of the proposed works shown  thereon.

32 Deposit of copy of plan, etc., of bill affecting fisheries (HC 32)

(1) In the case of a bill by which it is proposed to authorise the making, extending or enlarging—
       (a) of any dam, weir, or obstruction to the passage of fish in any river or estuary, or
       (b) of any sewer discharging into any river or estuary,
a copy of so much of the deposited plan and section as relates to the proposed dam, weir, obstruction or sewer, shall, on or before 20th November, be deposited in accordance with Standing Order  1A.

(2) A copy of the said portion of the deposited plan and section shall also—
       (a) be delivered on or before 20th November, or
       (b) be sent by registered post, having been posted on or before 17th November,
to the recipient or recipients specified in Standing Order 1A.

33 Delivery of copy of plan, etc., affecting banks, etc., of river (HC 33)

(1) In the case of a bill by which it is proposed to authorise the construction of any work to which Standing Order 27 (Deposit of plan, book of reference, section, etc.) applies on the banks, foreshore or bed of any river, a copy of so much of the deposited plan and section as relates to the portion of the work by which the banks, foreshore or river bed may be affected, shall—
       (a) be delivered on or before 20th November, or
       (b) be sent by registered post, having been posted on or before 17th November,
to the recipient or recipients specified in Standing Order 1A.

(2) If the plan includes any proposed tunnel under, or bridge over, the river, the depth of the tunnel below the bed of the river, or the span  and  headway  of  the  bridge, shall be marked thereon; and, if the plan is not based on an ordnance map, the copy of the plan shall be accompanied by an ordnance map, with the position and extent or route of the proposed works shown thereon.

34 Deposit of copy of plan, etc., in certain cases with the Departments for the time being responsible for environmental and transport matters (HC 34)

In the case of a railway, tramway, or tramroad bill and of a bill relating to any waterway, road, bridge, tunnel, ferry, harbour, dock or pier—
       (a) a copy of the deposited plan, section and book of reference (if any), and
       (b) in the case of a bill whereby it is proposed to authorise the construction of a railway or tramroad, also a 
            copy of the ordnance map (if any), with the line of railway or tramroad delineated thereon,
shall on or before 20th November, be deposited in accordance with Standing Order  1A.

35 Deposit of copy of plan, etc., in certain cases with Commissioner of Police (HC 35)

Where by any bill the construction of a work of any   kind is proposed to be authorised by which street traffic, or the regulation of street traffic, in the Metropolitan Police District may be affected, a copy of so much of the deposited plans and sections as relates to such work shall, on or before 20th November, be deposited in accordance with Standing Order 1A.

36 Deposit of copy of plan, etc., in certain cases with certain local authorities (HC 36)

(1) In the case of a bill in respect of which a plan, or a plan and section, and a book of reference are required by Standing Order 27 (Deposit of plan, book of reference, section, etc.) to be deposited, a copy of so much of the said plan, or plan and section, as relates to any of the areas specified in Standing Order 1A, and a copy of so much of the book of reference as relates to such area, shall—
       (a) on or before 20th November, be deposited for public inspection with the officer of each local authority, and 
            in the manner specified in Standing Order 1A, or
       (b) be sent by registered post to any such  officer, and if so sent shall be posted on or before 17th 

(2) The officer of each local authority with whom any such document is so deposited shall—
       (a) permit any person at all reasonable hours of the day to inspect it and,
       (b) provide copies of so much of the document as the person may reasonably require. Such copies may, if 
            the person so agrees, be provided in electronic form.

37 Deposit of copy of plan, etc., in certain circumstances

In the case of a bill by which it is proposed to  authorise—
       (a) the compulsory acquisition of, or of any rights to use, any churchyard, burial ground or cemetery, or any 
            part of it, or
       (b) the compulsory acquisition of, or of any rights to use, any other land,
copies of so much of the deposited plan, section (if any) and book of reference as relates to the churchyard, burial ground, cemetery or other land shall, on or before 20th November, be deposited in accordance with Standing Order 1A.

38 Deposit of printed copies of bills in Parliament Office (HC 38)

(1) A printed copy of every private bill proposed to be introduced into either House of Parliament shall be deposited in the office of the Clerk of the Parliaments on or before 27th November.

(2) There shall be attached to every copy of a bill—
       (a) delivered under this standing order,
       (b) deposited, delivered or sent under any of the standing orders following this order, and
       (c) made available for inspection and sale under Standing Order 4A (Copies of bill to be made available),
a printed memorandum describing the bill generally and, subject to paragraph (4) below, every clause in the  bill.

(3) The  printed  memorandum  shall  include   a statement of opinion, by or on behalf of the promoters, as to the compatibility of the provisions of the bill with the Convention rights (as defined in the Human Rights Act 1998).

(4) Related clauses may be dealt with together in the memorandum and it shall not be necessary to describe clauses providing only for the short title, commencement, interpretation, extent or costs of promotion of the bill.

(5) In the case of any bill to which, in the event of its originating in this House, Standing Order 64 (Consents of members of companies, etc., not being promoters, in case of certain bills originating in this House) will apply, the title of the bill shall contain a reference to the name of any company, society, association or partnership upon  which  powers are proposed to be conferred or whose constitution is proposed to be altered by the bill as provided in that order.

(See also Standing Order 201 (Time for delivering notices and making deposits))

39 Deposit of copies of bills at government departments and public bodies

On or before 4th December, copies of every bill shall be deposited in accordance with Standing Order  1A.

40 [Repealed 9th April 1986]

41 Delivery of copies of certain bills to highway authorities (HC 41)

A copy of every bill by which it is proposed to authorise any persons other than the highway authority to break up or otherwise interfere with any streets or roads, other than streets or roads shown on the deposited plan  shall—
       (a) be delivered on or before 4th December, or
       (b) be sent by registered post, having been posted on or before 1st December,
to the recipient or recipients specified in Standing Order 1A.

42 Delivery of copies of bills affecting watercourses to Environment Agency (HC 42)

A copy of every bill by which it is proposed to authorise any persons to impound or abstract water from, or to discharge water into, any watercourse, or to construct works over, or under, or affecting, any such watercourse or the banks thereof shall—
       (a) be delivered on or before 4th December, or
       (b) be sent by registered post, having been posted on or before 1st December,
to the recipient or recipients specified in Standing Order 1A.

43 Delivery of copies of bills affecting rivers or estuaries to Environment Agency (HC 43)

A copy of every bill by which it is proposed to authorise the making, extending or enlarging of any dam, weir or obstruction to the passage of fish in any river or estuary, or of any sewer discharging into any river or estuary, or the abstraction of water from any river shall—
       (a) be delivered on or before 4th December, or
       (b) be sent by registered post, having been posted on or before 1st December,
to the recipient or recipients specified in Standing Order 1A.

44 Delivery of copies of certain bills to local authorities (HC 44)

(1) This standing order applies where—
       (a) a bill is one to which, in the event of its originating in this House, Standing Order 64 (Consents of members 
            of companies, etc., not being promoters, in case of certain bills originating in this House) will apply, and
       (b) any company, society, association or partnership, upon which powers are proposed to be conferred or 
            whose constitution is proposed to be altered by the bill as provided in that order, carries on (whether
            under statutory authority or otherwise) an undertaking for the supply of water.

(2) Either a copy of the bill or notice in writing of the provisions thereof to which that order applies shall—
       (a) be delivered on or before 11th December, or
       (b) be sent by registered post, having been posted on or before 8th December,
to the recipient or recipients specified in Standing Order 1A.

45 Deposit and form of estimates (HC 45)

(1) On or before 4th December there shall be deposited in the office of the Clerk of the Parliaments in the case of a bill in respect of which a plan and section are required under Standing Order 27 (Deposit of plan, book of reference, section, etc.) to be deposited, an estimate signed by the person making the same of the expense of carrying out the works shown on the deposited plan and section.

(2) The estimate, if and so far as it relates to any matter included in Appendix B, shall be in the form set forth in that appendix or as near thereto as circumstances may permit.

(3) Where the estimate relates to any railway, tramway, tramroad, trolley vehicles or public service vehicles, waterway, road, bridge, tunnel, ferry, harbour, dock or pier, a copy of the estimate shall be deposited in accordance with Standing Order 1A.

46 [Repealed 31st October 1990]

47 Deposit of statement as to houses and persons on land to be acquired (HC 47)

(1) Paragraph (2) applies in the case of a bill by which it is proposed—
       (a) to authorise the acquisition compulsorily or by agreement of any specified land on which houses are 
            standing, or
       (b) to revive, or to extend the time limited for the exercise of, any power for such acquisition.

(2) The promoters shall, in relation to any area to which this order applies, deposit in the office of the Clerk of the Parliaments and in accordance with Standing Order 1A, on or before 11th December a statement showing—
       (a) the name of that area;
       (b) the total number of those houses in that area; and
       (c) the total number (so far as can be ascertained) of persons residing in them.

(3) If, in the case of a bill by which it is proposed to revive, or to extend the time limited for the exercise of, any such powers as aforesaid—
       (a) those powers were originally conferred by an Act passed not more than four years before the  date of the 
            deposit of the petition for the bill, and
       (b) statement in pursuance of this order, or of any former standing order corresponding thereto, was 
            deposited in respect of the bill for that Act,
the houses included in that statement shall be excluded in determining whether a statement is required under this order to be deposited in respect of the bill in question.

(4) The areas to which this order applies are districts in England, London boroughs and counties and county boroughs in Wales.

(5) In this order the expression “house” means any house or part of a house occupied as a separate dwelling.

Deposited plans, books of reference, sections and cross sections

48 Description of plan (HC 48)

(1) Every deposited plan—
       (a) shall be drawn to a scale of not less than 1/15,000,and shall describe the lands which may be compulsorily 
            acquired or used or which are rendered liable to the imposition of an improvement charge; and
       (b) in the case of bills in respect of which a plan and section are required under Standing Order 27 (Deposit of 
            plan, book of reference, section, etc.) to be deposited, shall also describe the line or situation of the 
            whole of the work (no alternative line or work being in any case permitted), and the lands in or through 
            which it is to be constructed or altered, or through which any communication to or from the work may be 

(2) Where it is the intention of the promoters to apply for powers to make any lateral deviation from the line of the proposed work—
       (a) the limits of such deviation shall be defined upon the plan, and all lands included within those limits shall be 
            marked thereon; and
       (b) unless the whole of the plan is upon a scale of not less than 1/5,000, there shall be added an enlarged 
            plan upon a scale of not less than 1/5,000 of any building, yard, courtyard, or land within the curtilage of 
            any building, or of any ground cultivated as a garden, either in the line of the proposed work, or included 
            within the limits of deviation.

(3) Where a viaduct or tunnelling is intended the same shall be marked on the plan, the latter to be shown by a dotted line.

(4) Where, under any standing order, a length is required  to be stated on the deposited plan, it shall be in kilometres and metres.

49 Particulars in case of waterways, etc. (HC 49)

In the case of a bill by which it is proposed to authorise the construction or alteration of any waterway, cut, reservoir, or aqueduct, the deposited plans shall show the brooks and streams to be directly diverted into the intended waterway, cut, reservoir, or aqueduct, or into any alteration thereof for supplying the same with water.

50 Particulars in case of railways and tramroads (HC 50)

In the case of a bill by which it is proposed to authorise the construction or alteration of any railway or tramroad, the distances in kilometres from one of the termini shall be marked on the deposited plan.

51 Particulars in case of diversion of roads, etc. (HC 51)

(1) In the case of a bill by which it is proposed to authorise the diversion, widening or narrowing of any public carriage road, navigable river, canal, railway or tramroad, the course of the diversion, and the extent of the widening  or narrowing, shall be marked upon the deposited plan.

(2) In the case of a bill by which it is proposed to authorise the diversion of any public footpath or bridleway, the course of such diversion shall be marked upon the plan, and where it is the intention of the promoters to apply for powers to make any lateral deviation from the course of the proposed diversion of any public footpath or bridleway, the limits of such deviation shall be defined upon the plan.

52 Particulars in case of tramways (HC 52)

(1) In the case of a bill by which it is proposed to authorise the construction or alteration of a tramway, the deposited plan shall indicate the proposed position of the tramway in relation to the street or road in which it is to be laid, and, where not along the centre, the distance from an imaginary line drawn along the centre of the street or road.

(2) If it is proposed that the tramway should be laid so that between any points for a distance of 10 metres or upwards the space intervening between the outside of the footpath on either side of the street or road and the nearest rail of the tramway will be less than—
       (a) 3 metres, or
       (b) if it is intended to run on the tramway carriages or trucks adapted for use upon railways, 3.3 metres,
the tramway between those points shall be indicated on the plan by a thick dotted line on the side or sides where the narrow places occur; and the width of the street or road at those places shall also be marked on the  plan.

(3) Double lines (including passing places) must be indicated on the plan by a double line, and the distance between the centre lines of each line of tramway marked thereon.

(4) The distances in kilometres from one of the termini of the tramway shall be marked on the plan, and there shall be stated—
       (a) the total length of the street or road upon which the tramway is to be laid, that is to say, the length of 
            the route of the tramway, and
       (b) the length of each double and single portion of the tramway and the total lengths of double and single 
            portions respectively.

(5) If the bill relates to more than one tramway, the foregoing provisions shall apply severally to each such tramway.

53 Plan to define improvement and improvement area (HC 53)

In the case of a bill by which it is proposed to render any lands or houses liable to the imposition of an improvement charge, the deposited plan shall define the improvement and also the limits of the area within which the charge may be imposed.

54 Contents of book of reference (HC 54)

The deposited book of reference shall contain the names of the owners, lessees, and occupiers of all lands and houses which may be compulsorily  acquired  or  used, or which are proposed to be rendered liable to the imposition of an improvement charge (unless, in the case of an owner or lessee, his identity cannot after reasonable inquiry be ascertained), and shall describe such lands and houses respectively.

55 Section (HC 55)

(1) The deposited section shall be drawn to the same horizontal scale as the deposited plan, and to a vertical scale of not less than 1/1,250, and shall show the surface of the ground marked on the plan, the intended level of the proposed work, the height of every embankment, and the depth of every cutting, and a datum horizontal line by reference to Ordnance Survey or Chart datum.

(2) The datum line shall be the same throughout the whole length of the work and any branch thereof.

(3) Where tunnelling or a viaduct is intended, the same shall be marked on the deposited section.

(4) Wherever the extreme height of  any  embankment,  or the extreme depth of any cutting, is intended to exceed
1.5 metres, the extreme height over, or depth under, the surface of the ground shall be marked in figures upon the section.

(5) If any bridge or viaduct of more than three arches is intended to intervene in any embankment, or if any tunnel is intended to intervene in any cutting, the extreme height or depth shall be marked in figures on each of the parts into which such embankment or cutting will be divided by such bridge, viaduct, or tunnel.

56 Section of improvement, etc., of navigation (HC 56)

In the case of a bill by which it is proposed to authorise the improvement of the navigation of any river, the deposited section shall specify the levels of both banks of such river; and, where any alteration is intended to be made therein, it shall describe the same by metres or parts of a  metre.

57 Section of railway or tramroad (HC 57)

(1) In the deposited section of a railway or tramroad the line marked thereon shall correspond with the upper surface of the rails.

(2) Distances on the datum line shall be marked to correspond with those on the deposited plan; a vertical measure from the datum line to the line of the railway or tramroad shall be marked in metres or parts of a metre, at the commencement and termination of the railway or tramroad, and at each end of a section of railway or tramroad with a constant gradient; and that gradient shall also be marked.

(3) Wherever a railway or tramroad is intended to cross any waterway, or (otherwise than on the level) any public carriage road, railway or tramroad—
       (a) the height of the intended railway or tramroad over, or depth under, the surface thereof, and
       (b) the height and span of each arch of any bridge and viaduct by which the railway or tramroad will be 
            carried over the same,
shall be marked in figures on the section at every crossing thereof; and, where the railway or tramroad will be carried across any such public carriage road, railway or tramroad on the level thereof, such crossing shall be so described on the section.

58 Section of tramway (HC 58)

In the deposited section of a tramway the distances shall be marked corresponding with those marked on the deposited plan and there shall also be marked on the section the gradients of the road on which the tramway is to be laid.

59 Cross sections of roads, etc. (HC 59)

If any alteration is intended in the water level of any canal, or in the level or rate of inclination of any public carriage road, railway or tramroad which will be crossed by the intended railway or tramroad and such works are not works for which a section has been drawn in accordance with Standing Order 55—
       (a) the same shall be stated on the deposited section, and each alteration  shall  be  numbered,  and cross 
            sections, in reference to the numbers, on a horizontal scale of not less than 1/5,000, and on a vertical 
            scale of not less than 1/500, shall be added, which shall show the present surface of such road, canal, 
            railway or tramroad and the intended surface thereof when altered; and
       (b) the greatest of  the  present  and  intended  rates of inclination of the portion of the road, railway or 
            tramroad intended to be altered shall also be marked in figures on the section; and, where any public 
            carriage road is crossed on the level, a cross section of that road shall be added, and every such cross 
            section shall extend for 180 metres on each side of the centre line of the railway or tramroad.

Bills brought from the House of Commons

60 Deposit of copies of bill brought from House of Commons at public departments, etc. (HC 60)

A copy of every private bill brought from the House of Commons in which any amendment has been made  on the consideration thereof in that House shall, not later than two days after the bill is read the first time, be deposited at every office at which it—
       (a) was deposited under Standing Order 39 (Deposit of copies of bills at Treasury and other public 
            departments, etc.), or
       (b) would be required to be deposited under that order if it had been originally introduced in the form in which 
            it was brought from the House of Commons.

61 Notices and deposits where work is altered while bill is in Parliament (HC 61)

(1) Whenever during the progress through the House of Commons of any bill originating in that House in respect of which a plan and section are required under Standing Order 27 (Deposit of plan, book of reference, section, etc.) to be deposited, any alteration has been made in any work proposed to be authorised by the bill, proof shall be given before the Examiner that two weeks previously to the bringing of the bill into this House—
       (a) a plan and section of the alteration, on the same scale and containing the same particulars as the original 
            plan and section, together with a book of reference thereto, have been deposited—
                  (i) in the office of the Clerk of the Parliaments, and
                  (ii) (with the proper officer of the council of every county, metropolitan district, unitary district or 
                       London borough, or  (in Wales) of every county or county borough or (in Scotland) of every local 
                       government area in which such alteration is proposed to be made; and
       (b) a copy of the plan and section of such alteration, so far as it relates to any of the areas mentioned in 
            Standing Order 36 (Deposit of  copy  of plan, etc., in certain cases with certain local authorities), together 
            with a book of reference thereto, has been deposited with the appropriate officer mentioned in that order.

(2) Proof shall also be given—
       (a) that notice of the intention to make such alteration has been published, before the bill was read a first 
            time in this House, once in the London Gazette and once in each of two consecutive weeks in a newspaper 
            circulating in the county, metropolitan district, unitary district  or  London  borough  or (in Wales) the 
            county or county borough or (in Scotland) the local government area in which such alteration is situate; and
       (b) that notice in writing as nearly as may be in the form set forth in Appendix A, was in accordance with the 
            provisions of Standing Order 22 (Mode of giving notice) with respect to the notices to which that order 
            relates given before the bill was read a first time in this House, to the owners, lessees and occupiers of 
            lands through which any such alteration is intended to be made; and
       (c) that the consent of such owners, lessees and occupiers to the making of such alterations has been given.

(3) Compliance with this order shall not be necessary in the case of alterations made on petition for additional provision in the House of Commons.

(4) This order shall apply to Greater London as if it were a county and the Greater London Authority were the council of the county.

Consents of proprietors or members of companies, and of persons named as directors

62 Consents of proprietors of statutory companies promoting bills originating in this House (HC 62)

(1) Every bill originating in this House promoted by a company constituted by Act of Parliament shall be referred, after the second reading thereof, to the Examiners, and the Examiner shall certify as to compliance or non-compliance with the following requirements.

(2) The bill, as introduced, or proposed to be introduced, into Parliament shall be submitted to the proprietors of the company at a meeting held specially for that purpose.

(3) Such meeting shall be called—
       (a) by notice inserted once in each of two consecutive weeks in a newspaper published in London or 
            Edinburgh, as the case may be, and in a local newspaper circulating in the county, metropolitan district, 
            unitary district or London borough  or (in Wales) the county or county borough or (in Scotland) the 
            local government area in which the principal office of the company is situate, the first of such insertions 
            being not earlier than 4th December; and
       (b) by a circular addressed to each proprietor on the register of the company at his last-known or usual 
            address, and sent by post to, or delivered at, such address not less than twenty-one days before the 
            holding of the meeting, stating the offices at which copies of the bill may be inspected and obtained, and 
            enclosing a blank form of proxy, with proper instructions for its use.

(4) The same form of proxy and the same instructions, and none other, shall be sent to every such proprietor; but no intimation shall be sent as to any person in whose favour the proxy may be granted; and no other circular or form of proxy relating to the meeting shall be sent to any proprietor from the office of the company, or by any director or officer of the company.

(5) The meeting shall be held not earlier than the twenty-first day after the first insertion of the notice, and may be held on the same day as an ordinary general meeting of the company.

(6) At the meeting the bill shall be submitted to the proprietors aforesaid then present, and approved of by proprietors, present in person or by proxy, holding at least three-fourths of the paid-up capital of the company represented by the votes at the meeting, such proprietors being qualified to vote at all ordinary meetings of the company in right of their holding of such capital. Where proprietors hold any shares or stock in respect of which they are not entitled to vote at an ordinary meeting, they may, if their interests may be affected by the bill, tender votes in respect of such holdings, which votes shall be recorded  separately.

(7) The names of the proprietors present in person at the meeting shall be recorded. For this purpose the first meeting and any adjournment thereof shall be deemed to be the same meeting.

(8) A poll may be demanded by any three proprietors present in person or by proxy at the meeting and entitled to vote, or by one proprietor or two proprietors so present and entitled, if that proprietor or those proprietors together hold not less than 15 per cent of the paid-up capital represented by the proprietors so present and entitled, and not otherwise.

(9) There shall be deposited in the office of the Clerk of the Parliaments a statement of the number of votes if a poll was taken, and of the number of votes recorded separately.

(10) Where the company carries on two or more separate undertakings and portions of the capital of the company are allocated so as to be exclusively applicable to the several undertakings, then, so far as the bill relates to any such separate undertaking—
       (a) separate meetings shall be held of the proprietors of the company and the proprietors of the capital of the 
            company so allocated to the undertaking, and
       (b) the provisions of this order applicable to meetings of proprietors of the company shall with the necessary 
            modifications apply to meetings of the proprietors of the portion of the capital of the company so allocated.

(11) In the case of a bill for which the petition is deposited, or proposed to be deposited, by leave of the Chairman of Committees under Standing Order 97 (Chairman of Committees to authorise deposit of petitions for late bills) after 27th November, the foregoing provisions of this order shall apply, subject to the following  modifications:—
       (a) the first insertion of the advertisement calling the meeting shall be not earlier than the date of the deposit 
            of the petition, and
       (b) the circular to proprietors shall be sent by post or delivered not earlier than the date, as specified in the 
            notice containing a concise summary of the purposes of the bill, on and after which copies of the bill may 
            be inspected and obtained.

(12) The Examiner shall give not less than two clear days' notice in the office of the Clerk of the Parliaments of the day on which any such bill will be examined.

(13) This order shall apply to Greater London as if it were a county.

63 Consents of members of registered companies, etc., promoting bills originating in this House (HC 63)

(1) Every bill originating in this House, promoted by any company, society, association, or partnership, whether a company within the meaning of the Companies Act 1985, or otherwise constituted (and not being a company to which the preceding order applies), shall be referred, after the second reading thereof, to the Examiners, and the Examiner shall certify as to compliance or non-compliance with the following requirements.

(2) In the case of a company within the meaning of the Companies Act 1985, the bill as introduced or proposed to be introduced in this House shall be approved by a special resolution of the company, and a copy of the resolution shall be deposited in the office of the Clerk of the Parliaments.

(3) In the case of any other such company, society, association, or partnership as aforesaid, the bill as introduced or proposed to be introduced in this House shall be consented to by three-fourths in number and (where applicable) in value of the proprietors or members of the company, society, association, or partnership present in person or by proxy, and voting at a meeting convened by a notice stating the business to be transacted thereat; such consent to be certified in writing by the chairman of the meeting. A copy of the certificate of consent shall be deposited in the office of the Clerk of the Parliaments.

(4) The names of the proprietors or members present in person at the meeting shall be recorded. For this purpose the first meeting and any adjournment thereof shall be deemed to be the same meeting.

(5) A poll may be demanded by any three proprietors or members present in person or by proxy at the meeting and entitled to vote, or by one proprietor or member or two proprietors or members so present and entitled, if that proprietor or member or those proprietors or members together represent not less than 15 per cent of the paid- up capital represented by the proprietors or members so present and entitled, and not otherwise.

(6) If a poll is taken, there shall be deposited in the office of the Clerk of the Parliaments a statement of the number of votes.

(7) So far as any such bill relates to a separate class of proprietors or members of any company, society, association, or partnership, as distinct from the proprietors or members generally, the bill shall be approved or consented to by the proprietors or members generally, and also by the separate class of proprietors or members; and the provisions of this order applicable to the proprietors or members generally shall, with the necessary modification, apply to the separate class of proprietors or members.

(8) The Examiner shall give not less than two clear days' notice in the office of the Clerk of the Parliaments of the day on which any such bill will be examined.

64 Consents of members of companies, etc., not being promoters, in case of certain bills originating in this House (HC 64)

(1) This standing order applies where any bill originating in this House contains provisions—
       (a) conferring any powers upon, or
       (b) altering in any respect the constitution of,
any company,society,association,or partnership (howsoever constituted), named in the bill but not being the promoters thereof.

(2) The bill shall be referred to the Examiners  after  the second reading thereof, and Standing Order 62 (Consents of proprietors of statutory companies promoting bills originating in this House) or Standing Order 63 (Consents of members of registered companies, etc., promoting bills originating in this House) (as the case may require) shall apply—
       (a) as if such company, society, association, or partnership were the promoters of the bill, and
       (b) as if in the standing order in question for references to the bill there were substituted references to the 
            said provisions.

(3) Failure to comply with the requirements of Standing Order 62 (Consents of proprietors of statutory companies promoting bills originating in this House) or Standing Order 63 (Consents of members of registered companies, etc., promoting bills originating in this House) as applied by this standing order shall affect only such provisions as aforesaid, and shall not affect any other provisions of the  bill.

(4) This standing order shall not apply to any bill in so far as the provisions relate to a proposal for—
       (a) the compulsory acquisition by or transfer to the promoters thereof of the whole or part of the undertaking 
            or assets of, or
       (b) the imposition of any duty or obligation upon, or the limitation of any power of,
any such company, society, association, or partnership as aforesaid, nor shall it apply  to  provisions  in  the  bill for the protection of the company, society, association, or partnership.

(5) Nothing in this standing order shall affect the obligations of the promoters of the bill under Standing Order 62 (Consents of proprietors of statutory companies promoting bills originating in this House) or Standing Order 63 (Consents of members of registered companies, etc., promoting bills originating in this House).

65 Consents of proprietors of statutory companies promoting certain bills originating in House of Commons (HC 65)

(1) In the case of every bill brought from the House of Commons in which  provisions  have  been  inserted  in that House, empowering the promoters thereof, being a company constituted by Act of Parliament—
       (a) to execute, undertake, or contribute towards any work other than that for which it was originally 
            established, or
       (b) to sell or lease their undertaking, or any part thereof, or
       (c) to enter into any agreements with any other company for the working, maintenance, management, or use 
            of the railway or works of either company, or any part thereof, or
       (d) to amalgamate their undertaking, or any part thereof, with any other undertaking, or
       (e) to purchase any other undertaking, or part thereof, or any additional lands, or
       (f) to abandon their undertaking, or any part thereof,
or authorising, or enacting the dissolution of the promoting company,  or   in   which   any   such   provisions  originally contained in the bill have been materially altered in that House, the Examiner shall certify as to compliance or non- compliance with the following  requirements.

(2) The bill, as brought from the House of Commons, shall be submitted to the proprietors of the promoting company, at a meeting held specially for that purpose.

(3) Such meeting shall be called—
       (a) by notice inserted once in each of two consecutive weeks  in  a   newspaper   published   in  London or 
            Edinburgh as the case may be, and in a local newspaper circulating in the county, metropolitan district, 
            unitary district or  London  borough,  or (in Wales) the county or county borough or (in Scotland) the local 
            government area in which the principal office of the company is situate; and
       (b) by a circular addressed to each proprietor on the register of the company at his last-known or usual 
            address, and sent by post to, or delivered at, such address, not less than ten days before the holding of 
            the meeting, stating the offices at which copies of the bill may be inspected, and enclosing a blank form of 
            proxy, with proper instructions for its use.

(4) The same form of proxy and the same instructions, and none other, shall be sent to every such proprietor; but no intimation shall be sent as to any person in whose favour the proxy may be granted; and no other circular or form of proxy relating to the meeting shall be sent to any proprietor from the office of the company or by any director or officer of the company.

(5) The meeting shall be held not earlier than the seventh day after the last insertion of the notice, and may be held on the same day as an ordinary general meeting of the company.

(6) At the meeting the bill shall be submitted to the proprietors aforesaid then present, and approved by proprietors present in person or by proxy, who—
       (a) hold at least three-fourths of the paid-up capital of the company represented by the votes at the 
            meeting, and
       (b) are qualified to vote at all ordinary meetings of the company in right of their holding of such capital.

Where proprietors hold any shares or stock in respect of which they are not entitled to vote at an ordinary meeting, they may, if their interests may be affected by  the bill, tender votes in respect of such holdings, which votes shall be recorded separately.

(7) The names of the proprietors present in person at the meeting shall be recorded. For this purpose the first meeting and any adjournment thereof shall be deemed to be the same meeting.

(8) A poll may be demanded by any three proprietors present in person or by proxy at the meeting and entitled to vote, or by one proprietor or two proprietors so present and entitled, if that proprietor or those proprietors together hold not less than 15 per cent of the paid-up capital of the company represented by the proprietors so present and entitled, and not otherwise.

(9) There shall be deposited in the office of the Clerk of the Parliaments a statement of the number of votes if a poll was taken, and of the number of votes recorded separately.

(10) Where the company carries on two or more separate undertakings and portions of the capital of the company are allocated so as to be exclusively applicable to the several undertakings, then, so far as the bill relates to any such separate undertaking—
       (a) separate meetings shall be held of the proprietors of the company and the proprietors of the capital of the 
            company so allocated to the undertaking, and
       (b) the provisions of this order applicable to meetings of proprietors of the company shall, with the necessary 
            modifications, apply to meetings of the proprietors of the portion of the capital of the company so 

(11) If—
       (a) such an approval as is mentioned in  Standing Order 62 (Consents of proprietors of statutory companies 
            promoting bills originating in this House) has been given to the bill as introduced or proposed to be 
            introduced into the House of Commons, and
       (b) by the terms of such approval the bill has been approved subject to such additions, alterations and 
            variations as Parliament may think fit to make therein,
it shall not be necessary for the purposes of this order to obtain any further approval in respect of any provisions inserted in the bill in the House of Commons unless the committee on the bill decide that, regard being had to the nature and effect of such provisions, further evidence of the approval of such provisions on the part of the proprietors of the company is required.

66 Consents of members of registered companies, etc., promoting certain bills originating in House of Commons (HC 66)

(1) In the case of every bill brought from the House of Commons—
       (a) in which provisions have been inserted in that House—
                  (i) empowering or requiring the promoters thereof being a company, society, association, or 
                       partnership, whether a company within the meaning of the Companies Act 1985 or  otherwise  
                       constituted  (and  not  being a company to which the preceding order applies), to do any act not 
                       authorised by the memorandum and articles  of association, or other instrument constituting or 
                       regulating the company, society, association, or partnership, or
                  (ii) authorising or enacting the abandonment of the undertaking, or any part of the undertaking, of 
                       such company, society, association, or partnership, or the dissolution thereof, or
       (b) in which any such provisions originally contained in the bill have been materially altered in that House,
the Examiner shall certify as to compliance or non- compliance with the following  requirements.

(2) In the case of a company within the meaning of the Companies Act 1985 the bill as brought from the House of Commons shall be approved by a special resolution of the company, and a copy of the resolution shall be deposited in the office of the Clerk of the Parliaments.

(3) In the case of any other such company, society, association, or partnership as aforesaid, the bill as brought from the House of Commons shall be consented to by three- fourths in number and (where applicable) in value of the proprietors or members of the company, society, association, or partnership, present, in person or by proxy, and voting at a meeting convened by a notice stating the business to be transacted thereat, such consent to be certified in writing by the chairman of the meeting. A copy of the certificate of consent shall be deposited in the office of the Clerk of the Parliaments.

(4) The names of the proprietors or members present in person at the meeting shall be recorded. For this purpose the first meeting and any adjournment thereof shall be deemed to be the same meeting.

(5) A poll may be demanded by any three proprietors or members present in person or by proxy at the meeting and entitled to vote, or by one proprietor or member or two proprietors or members so present and entitled, if that proprietor or member or those proprietors or members together represent not less than 15 per cent of the paid- up capital represented by the proprietors or members so present and entitled, and not otherwise.

(6) If a poll is taken, there shall be deposited in the office of the Clerk of the Parliaments a statement of the number of votes.

(7) If—
       (a) such approval by a special resolution or consent as is mentioned in Standing Order 63 (Consents of 
            members of registered companies, etc., promoting bills originating in this House) has been given to the bill 
            as introduced or proposed to be introduced into the House of Commons, and
       (b) by the terms of the resolution or consent the bill has been approved or consented to subject to such 
            additions, alterations and variations as Parliament may think fit to make therein,
it shall not be necessary for the purposes of this order to obtain any further approval or consent in respect of any provisions inserted in the bill in the House of Commons, unless the committee on the bill decide that, regard being had to the nature and effect of such provisions, further evidence of the approval or consent to such provisions on the part of the proprietors or members of the company, society, association, or partnership is required.

(8) So far as any such bill relates to a separate class of proprietors or members of the company, society, association, or partnership as distinct from the proprietors or members generally, such bill shall be approved or consented to by the proprietors or members generally, and also by the separate class of proprietors or members; and the provisions of this order applicable to the proprietors or members generally, shall, with the necessary modifications, apply to the separate class of proprietors or members.

67 Consents of members of companies, etc., not being promoters, in case of certain bills originating in House of Commons (HC 67)

(1) This standing order applies in the case of every bill brought from the House of Commons—
       (a) in which provisions have been inserted in that House conferring any  powers  upon, or  altering in any 
            respect the constitution of, any company, society, association, or partnership (howsoever constituted) 
            named in the bill but not being the promoters thereof, or
       (b) in which any such provisions originally contained in the bill have been materially altered in that House.

(2) Standing Order 65 (Consents of proprietors of statutory companies promoting certain bills originating in House of Commons) or Standing Order 66 (Consents of members of registered companies, etc., promoting certain bills originating in House of Commons) (as the case may require) shall apply as if—
       (a) the company, society, association, or partnership were the promoters of the bill;
       (b) the said provisions were the provisions referred to in the standing order in question;
       (c) in the standing order in question for references to the bill there were substituted references to the said 
            provisions of the bill; and
       (d) the reference to Standing Order 62 (Consents of proprietors of statutory companies promoting bills 
            originating in this House) or Standing Order 63 (Consents of members of registered companies, etc., 
            promoting bills originating in this House) were a reference to that order as applied by this order.

(3) Failure to comply with the requirements of Standing Order 65 (Consents of proprietors of statutory companies promoting certain bills originating in House of Commons) or Standing Order 66 (Consents of members of registered companies, etc., promoting certain bills originating in House of Commons) as applied by this Standing Order shall affect only such provisions of the bill as aforesaid and shall not affect any other provisions of the  bill.

(4) This standing order shall not apply to any bill in so far as the provisions so inserted or altered relate to a proposal for—
       (a) the compulsory acquisition by or transfer to the promoters thereof of the whole or part of the undertaking 
            or assets of, or
       (b) the imposition of any duty or obligation upon or the limitation of any power of,
any such company, society, association, or partnership as aforesaid, nor shall it apply  to  provisions  in  the  bill for the protection of the company, society, association, or partnership.

(5) Nothing in this standing order shall affect the obligations of the promoters of the bill under Standing Order 65 (Consents of proprietors of statutory companies promoting certain bills originating in House of Commons) or Standing Order 66 (Consents of members of registered companies, etc., promoting certain bills originating in House of Commons).

68 Proof of consent of directors, etc., named in bill (HC 68)

Where in any bill brought from the House of Commons for the purpose of  establishing  a  company  for carrying on  any  work  or  undertaking  any  person  is   specified as manager, director or proprietor of the company, or otherwise concerned in carrying the bill into effect, proof shall be required before the Examiner that that person has subscribed his name to the petition for the bill, or to a printed copy of the bill, as brought to this House.