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Public Services at the Parliamentary Archives

One of the core functions of the Public Services and Outreach team in the Parliamentary Archives is to facilitate public access to our collections. This involves running a public search room, answering enquiries, facilitating requests for copying and licensing, and supervising use of our materials by the media.

Search room

Public Services staff facilitate access to collections through our public search room. The search room is open to anyone who wishes to consult our records. You can find out how to visit the search room for your research visit the search room.

Answering enquiries

As well as facilitating use of our records in person, Public Services staff also run a remote enquiry service. You can contact us about your research.


Public Services staff are responsible for arranging copying and licensing of our archive materials. Our imaging team create digital images of records, and staff in the Public Services and Outreach team arrange permissions for citation, copyright and use of the records. Find out more about copying and citation of our collections.  

Media supervision

The Parliamentary Archives is regularly used as a location by media companies. Public Services staff liaise with production companies about the use of our records and facilities for this purpose. If you would like to film in the archives, find out more information here.

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