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Parliamentary Research Handbook

The Parliamentary Research Handbook aims to provide a valuable resource for research officials in other parliaments, drawing on experience from the UK Parliament.

About this handbook

The House of Commons Library led in the production of this Handbook, but drew extensively on experience, knowledge and best practice from across the UK Parliament and beyond.

How to use this handbook

Parliamentarians need access to up-to-date and accurate information and research in order to effectively perform their parliamentary duties. All research produced by parliamentary officials shares key characteristics such as impartiality, accessibility and relevance.

This handbook has been written for all parliamentary officials that prepare research, to help them to meet the expectations of parliamentarians. It has been written as a number of standalone, but interrelated, chapters. Each chapter focuses on an important aspect of parliamentary research work.

You can use the handbook in a number of ways, for example:

  • you can choose a chapter to help you strengthen an area of your work this month
  • you can use it to ensure you are meeting professional standards for research
  • you can use it to help you to train staff you may be responsible for.

Image: Parliamentary copyright