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Publications 1995

71 - Dealing with Drought - Update (pdf 132KB)
12 page report, December 1995
This updates the earlier POST report on drought issues by looking at current trends in leakage and demand management.

70 - Transport - Some Issues in Sustainability (pdf 57KB)
Four page POST report summary, November 1995
This analyses the environmental and other impacts of transport and how these mesh with a sustainable future.

69 - Public Attitudes to Science in the UK (pdf 61KB)
Four page POSTnote, November 1995
Is there a particularly anti-science culture in the UK? This note answers this question, as well as reviewing the extent to which the UK makes effective use of its scientists.

68 - Minimal Access (Keyhole) Surgery and its Implications (pdf 51KB)
Four page POST report summary, October 1995
This looks at the rapid growth in keyhole surgery techniques throughout the UK health service, and issues of training, evaluation and cost effectiveness.

67 - Managing Corporate Chang (pdf 53KB)e
Four page POSTnote, October 1995
Describes all the management 'buzz words' and their application in British industry.

66 - Vaccines and their Future Role in Public Health (pdf 53KB)
Four page POST report summary, July 1995
Reviews the large areas of scientific opportunity in new vaccine development and the barriers inhibiting their application.

65 - Oil Rig Disposal (pdf 55KB)
Four page POSTnote, July 1995
Following the Brent Spar episode, this briefing note examines how oil installations can be disposed of and their environmental effects, and reviews the specific case of Brent Spar.

64 - Mobile Telephone Crime (pdf 66KB)
Four page POSTnote, June 1995
Describes the growth of 'technological crime' involving mobile telephones, from theft to fraud and 'cloning', and examines approaches to mitigating the problem.

63 - Working at a Distance - UK teleworking and its implications (pdf 51KB)
Four page POST report summary, June 1995
Reviews current trends in teleworking in the UK, its potential in employment terms, and its effects on transport, etc.

62 - Information Superhighways - the UK National Information Infrastructure (pdf 55KB)
Four page POST report summary, May 1995
Reviews the current state of the telecommunications infrastructure in the UK, and how far it meets the needs of the NII. Also reviews NII uses and relevant issues.

61 - Global Warming - the State of the Science (pdf 70KB)
Four page POSTnote, May 1995
This briefing note examines recent scientific findings on global warming and climate change that contribute to the growing acceptance that human activities are warming the planet.