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Publications 1998

122 - Organophosphates (pdf 131KB)
Eight page POSTnote, December 1998
Recent years have seen concerns intensify over the potential adverse effects of organophosphate pesticides on people (notably sheep farmers) exposed to low doses over long periods of time. This report summarises the current state of research in this area and examines the issues that arise.

121 - Living in the Greenhouse (pdf 33KB)
Four page report summary, December 1998
This note is a summary of a longer report (59pp) prepared by POST, which reviews the likely effects of climate change in the UK, and considers ways in which adaptations to change could be developed.

120 - Nuclear Fusion Update (pdf 44KB)
Four page POSTnote, November 1998
POSTnote 40 (1993) examined international progress towards power from nuclear fusion and its future prospects. Recent years have seen technical developments but also continued debate and uncertainty over whether fusion will ever be economic as an energy source. This briefing describes recent developments in this area, looks at how the prospects for future energy supply from fusion have changed and examines the issues that arise.

119 - Health Claims and Foods (pdf 69KB)
Eight page POST report, October 1998
Recent years have seen an increasing number of products sold under food law for which health claims are made. Many more such products (functional foods) are likely to appear in the coming years. This briefing note looks at recent developments in this area and examines the issues that arise.

118 - Anti-HIV Drugs (pdf 104KB)
Eight page POST report, July 1998
This briefing outlines recent developments in anti-HIV drugs, and examines the issues that arise.

117 - A Brown and Pleasant Land (pdf 742KB)
Four page report summary, July 1998
This note is a summary of a longer (66 page) report prepared by POST, which reviews the Government's household projections and the limited data on the availability of brownfield sites, and examines the process of redeveloping such sites for housing.

116 - A Clean Licence? Graduated Vehicle Excise Duty (pdf 82KB)
Eight page POSTnote, June 1998
The March 1998 Budget included proposals for an environmentally-graduated Vehicle Excise Duty (VED) for cars, with the least-polluting cars attracting the lowest annual charge. This proposal fits with the stated aims of successive governments to use ‘market mechanisms' to achieve environmental goals. This briefing considers graduated VED against other options to achieve these aims.

115 - Genetically Modified Foods (pdf 32KB)
Four page report summary, May 1998
POST has analysed recent developments in GM foods. This note summarises the report and the issues of interest to parliamentarians.

114 - Internet Commerce: Threats and Opportunities (pdf 83KB)
Eight page POSTnote, April 1998
Although slow to start, electronic commerce over the internet is growing fast and making it necessary to address key issues which will determine the way in which this truly global marketplace develops. This note explains some of the arcane and complex related issues (eg. encryption).

113 - Cannabis Update (pdf 47KB)
Four page POSTnote, March 1998
POST reviewed the extent of use, health and psychological effects of cannabis in a 1996 report. Since then, debate has continued on its legal status, and the Lord's Science and Technology Committee is starting an inquiry into scientific aspects of this drug and its effects. This note summarises findings relevant to the current parliamentary debate over cannabis.

112 - Electronic Road Charging (pdf 47KB)
Four page POSTnote, March 1998
Charging drivers for road use could raise revenues for transport projects and reduce congestion and improve the environment in urban areas. The results of initial trials of both the technology and driver behaviour are becoming available, but many issues remain unresolved. The Transport White Paper in May 1998 will be the opportunity for Government to clarify its view on the future role seen for such technologies.

111 - Chemical and Biological Weapons (pdf 39KB)
Four page POSTnote, February 1998
With the current concern over remaining chemical and biological weapons (CBW) capability in Iraq, Parliamentary interest has been high. This note looks at some of the CBW agents of concern and related aspects.

110 - Electronic Government (pdf 55KB)
Four page report summary, February 1998
Full report (html version)
Information and communication technologies (ICT) have revolutionised many businesses and transformed relationships with customers. In the public sector however, effects have been less dramatic, raising the question whether the full benefits of ICT in delivering public services are being realised. The potential of ICT also inspires visions of a more open Government with greater public participation. POST has reviewed ‘electronic government' and how ICTs might be used to transform the relationships between government and the citizen. This note summarises the full report.

109 - Health Risks and Mobile Phones (pdf 44KB)
Four page POSTnote, January 1998
The rising market for mobile phones has been accompanied by concerns over their safety, especially that the radio frequencies used to transmit signals may cause harm (most notably cancer). Such concerns relate both to the siting of the transmitter ‘base' stations and the use of hand-held receivers. This briefing note looks at the evidence behind such concerns, and the policy issues that arise.

108 - Hormone Mimicking Chemicals (pdf 71KB)
Eight page report, January 1998
Some synthetic and natural chemicals can mimic natural hormones, and there are questions whether there are sufficient amounts of such chemicals in the diet or the environment to cause adverse effects on human health (eg. on sperm counts) or to affect wildlife. This report looks at the scientific evidence on this subject and the policy issues arising.