Publications 2009
346 - Technology for the Olympics (pdf 172KB)
Four page POSTnote, December 2009
From 27th July to 9th September 2012 around 14,500 athletes from 200 nations will compete in the London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games. Almost 10 million tickets will be sold and hundreds of millions will view the Games remotely. Technological challenges range from ensuring that every event is available to viewers on-demand, to ensuring that the emergency services' radio network can function reliably. This note looks at technology plans for the Games, focusing on information communications technology.
345 - Teaching Children to Read (pdf 124KB)
Four page POSTnote, October 2009
Reading is the gateway to learning; without it, children cannot access a broad and balanced curriculum. Dyslexic difficulties are associated with negative educational, employment and economic outcomes, making reading-related issues relevant to various policy domains. This POSTnote explains the reading process and the underlying basis of specific reading difficulties. It also summarises different methods of reading instruction, and examines their use in the context of current and possible future policy directions.
344 - Deforestation (pdf 153KB)
Four page POSTnote, October 2009
International attention is focussed on ways to reduce deforestation, prompted by concerns over greenhouse gas emissions and biodiversity loss. However the underlying causes of deforestation are rooted in current economic and development paradigms. This POSTnote looks at the reasons why deforestation occurs and the impact it has on the environment, as well as examining policies to reduce it.
343 - Ocean acidification (pdf 122KB)
Four page POSTnote, October 2009
The increasing amount of carbon dioxide (CO2) in the atmosphere is acidifying the oceans. The resulting changes to ecosystems and marine biodiversity may have negative impacts on fisheries and food security and reduce the coastal protection provided by coral reefs. This POSTnote outlines the science behind ocean acidification and summarises the threats to the marine environment. A global reduction of carbon emissions is the only certain way to minimise these risks.
342 - Coastal management (pdf 120KB)
Four page POSTnote, October 2009
Predicted sea level rise and higher storm surges will increase the risk of coastal erosion and flooding. In response to this challenge, flood and coastal erosion risk management is undergoing direction and policy change. This POSTnote examines past and present coastal management policy and the main issues arising for the future English coastline.
341 - Biodiversity and Climate Change (pdf 143KB)
Four page POSTnote, October 2009
The effects of climate change on biodiversity are already evident in the UK, and with continued climate change, are expected to increase. This POSTnote explores the observed and future impacts of climate change on biodiversity. It also examines the relationship between biodiversity and adaptation to a changing climate.
340 - The Dual-use Dilemma (pdf 111KB)
Four page POSTnote, July 2009
Science is primarily used to benefit humanity, but it can be misused, presenting scientists and others with an ethical quandary known as the dual-use dilemma. This note examines three scientific areas posing a significant risk of misuse and considers how to tackle dual-use dilemmas in these and other areas.
339 - Nutritional Standards in UK Schools (pdf 115KB)
Four page POSTnote, July 2009
In 2006, 617 million school meals were served in England alone. The situation regarding school meals differs in the constituent countries of the UK. In England, new legislation on minimum nutritional standards in schools began in 2008 in primary schools and will come into force in secondary schools by September 2009. It consists of food- and nutrient-based standards for school food. The devolved administrations have already implemented similar legislation and face similar issues in improving school food. This note outlines children's nutritional requirements, the take-up of school meals in the UK, the capacity to enforce the standards and the impact of children's diet on behaviour and learning.
338 - Environmental Noise (pdf 112KB)
Four page POSTnote, July 2009
Noise pollution affects quality of life and has been linked to health problems. The EU Environmental Noise Directive (END) aims to manage noise and preserve quiet areas by engaging the public, local authorities and operators. This POSTnote examines the effects of noise, the END and practical measures for noise management.
337 - Treatments for Heroin and Cocaine Dependency (pdf 110KB)
Four page POSTnote, June 2009
Some 11.3 million people in Britain have used an illicit drug at least once in their lifetime. Cocaine and heroin are the most damaging illicit drugs in terms of health impacts to dependent individuals and the cost of drug related crime. This POSTnote looks at the treatments currently available for heroin and cocaine dependency, assesses the prospects for new treatments, and examines the issues these raise.
336 - Crop Protection (pdf 126KB)
Four page POSTnote, June 2009
The pesticide approvals process in Europe is changing. Consequently, a number of compounds used to protect European crops from weeds, pests and disease may no longer be available. Proponents believe this will benefit health and the environment; others fear significant decreases in crop yield and quality. This POSTnote explores the potential implications for UK agriculture and horticulture and examines other crop protection strategies available that complement or compensate for pesticides.
335 - CO 2 Capture, Transport and Storage (pdf 112KB)
Four page POSTnote, June 2009
Carbon capture and storage (CCS) involves capturing carbon dioxide (CO2) emitted from large sources such as fossil fuel power stations, transporting it, and then storing it in secure geological formations deep underground. These formations include depleted oil and gas fields, and natural underground reservoirs. This POSTnote details the main CCS technologies and considers their safety and legal issues. This is followed by an overview of global CCS projects as well as a discussion of UK and EU policy.
334 - Arctic Changes (pdf 149KB)
Four page POSTnote, June 2009
The Arctic is warming faster than lower latitudes. This high north region is important for the UK's future environmental security (climate), energy security and strategic interests. This POSTnote summarises the environmental change already occurring in the Arctic and its potential impact on the global climate, future commercial activities and Arctic governance.
333 - Regenerative Medicine (pdf 110KB)
Four page POSTnote, May 2009
Regenerative medicine aims to restore the function of diseased or damaged tissues or organs by a variety of approaches, from cell-based therapies through tissue engineering to developing new medical devices. This offers potential medical benefits, but also poses regulatory challenges. This POSTnote looks at recent developments in this area and analyses the issues they pose for UK researchers and regulators.
332 - Futures and Foresight (pdf 113KB)
Four page POSTnote, May 2009
In 2007, the Commons Public Administration Select Committee (PASC) suggested that Parliament strengthen its capacity to think ahead and engage with outside experts and the wider public. This POSTnote examines the key characteristics of futures work and its current use by governments and parliaments. It covers futures work at national and local levels, and the extent to which it needs to consider social and other trends alongside developments in science and technology.
331 - H1N1 'Swine flu' vaccine (pdf 89KB)
Two page POSTnote, May 2009
A novel strain of influenza (flu) virus subtype H1N1, originating from Mexico, is currently spreading across the globe. A vaccine against the strain could reduce its global impact but would take time to develop and manufacture. Different claims have been made about the time it would take to develop and produce a vaccine. This note describes how a pandemic vaccine for UK use would be manufactured, and alternative techniques for vaccine development and manufacture.
330 - Diet and Cancer (pdf 116KB)
Four page POSTnote, April 2009
Research shows that the risk of developing some cancers is linked to lifestyle, and scientists estimate that 26% of UK cancers could be prevented by altering diet. This note examines the latest scientific research, advice and recommendations for a diet to lower cancer risk and the consequences for health policy. It also discusses the involvement of the government, charities, media and the food industry in giving dietary advice.
329 - Personalised Medicine (pdf 163KB)
Four page POSTnote, April 2009
Risk of disease and response to treatment varies from person to person. This is due to variation in human genetic coding, interactions between one's genes and environment over a lifetime and the unique signature of the immune system. Defining the scope and nature of human biological variation allows the targeting of medical treatments to those most likely to benefit. Such treatments may include drugs or cell therapies tailored to a patient's history, genes and immunology. This POSTnote examines the state of research into human variability, and the prospects, challenges and policy implications of more personalised medical treatment.
328 - Delaying Gratification (pdf 111KB)
Four page POSTnote, March 2009
Evidence shows that people may be biased towards seeking short-term rewards at the expense of greater long-term benefits. Several factors influence how biased people are likely to be towards the present. Understanding these could inform policies that encourage individuals to make important life choices that affect their own long-term interests. This note reviews evidence on the influence of time in decisionmaking, and looks at the implications for policy domains such as pensions, health and consumer affairs.
327 - Geo-engineering Research (pdf 173KB)
Four page POSTnote, March 2009
There is evidence that efforts to reduce emissions of greenhouse gases may be insufficient to avert unacceptable levels of climate change; global emission levels are currently higher than even the highest scenario produced by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (2001). Geo-engineering seeks to use global scale engineering to offset the effects of greenhouse gas emissions. This POSTnote summarises the arguments relating to research funding for geoengineering.
326 - Food Hygiene Standards (pdf 111KB)
Four page POSTnote, February 2009
Food poisoning caused by microbes is a serious public health problem. Hygiene standards and procedures are laid down in food legislation to protect public health. However, improving food hygiene is not just a matter of implementing and enforcing regulations. This briefing describes recent developments in food regulation and examines options to improve food hygiene in businesses through monetary penalties, training and the use of local "Scores on the Doors" schemes.
325 - Wild Deer (pdf 118KB)
Four page POSTnote, February 2009
Wild deer populations are increasing in number and geographic range in the UK. Deer are a valuable natural resource if managed sustainably, but when occurring at excessive densities, they can have negative effects on biodiversity, the rural economy, human health and safety, and animal welfare. This POSTnote examines the current status of wild deer in the UK, their ecological, economic and social impacts and legislation on their management.
324 - Marine Renewables (pdf 137KB)
Four page POSTnote, January 2009
Britain has an EU mandated target to meet 15% of its energy requirements from renewable sources by 2020. The UK has the largest wave and tidal resources in Europe, so marine renewables are a candidate for contributing to this target. Around 15-20% of the UK's electricity could potentially be produced from marine renewable sources, but the technology is not mature. This POSTnote considers the technologies available and the environmental, economic and technological challenges involved in their deployment.
323 - Lessons from History (pdf 153KB)
Four page POSTnote, January 2009
In the past decade, the government has repeatedly emphasised the importance of taking an "evidence-based" approach to policy-making. In 2006, the House of Commons Science and Technology Committee welcomed the government's progress in integrating scientific evidence into decision making. However, despite increasing use of evidence from the natural and social sciences, evidence from humanities disciplines such as history is not widely used. This POSTnote considers how history could help to inform decisions on key scientific and technological policy issues.
322 - Intelligent Transport Systems (pdf 110KB)
Four page POSTnote, January 2009
Information and communication technologies may be widely used on the roads in future in so-called 'Intelligent Transport Systems' (ITS). Systems that warn of upcoming hazards or intervene to avoid them could prevent accidents. ITS could also enable road charging and the better provision of information to drivers, which may help to reduce congestion. This POSTnote outlines current and future applications of ITS in road transport, as well as technical, behavioural and economic limitations to their deployment.
321 - eDemocracy (pdf 114KB)
Four page POSTnote, January 2009
The current proposal for an ePetitions system in the House of Commons is just one example of increasing interest in eDemocracy. Reasons include growing use of the internet, the popularity of web based applications such as social networking, and the trend towards digital convergence. This POSTnote looks at recent UK initiatives, and at challenges faced in their design and implementation. It examines debate over the purpose of eDemocracy and where its future lies.