Publications 2010
367 - Biofortification (pdf 309KB)
Four page POSTnote, November 2010
Breeding crops to enhance their nutritional composition, known as biofortification, is one potential strategy for addressing certain forms of undernutrition. This approach may be useful where there is a dependence on calorie-rich but nutrient-poor staple foods. This briefing describes developments in biofortification, examines its potential impact, and the implications for policy makers in the UK and abroad.
366 - UK Indoor Air Quality (pdf 392KB)
Four page POSTnote, November 2010
It is well established that outdoor air pollution is harmful to human health. However, less attention has been paid to the potential health effects of indoor air pollution. This POSTnote describes sources of indoor air pollution, the evidence for adverse effects on human health and outlines possible policy responses.
365 - (pdf 325KB)Electric Vehicles (pdf 325KB)
Four page POSTnote, October 2010
Interest in the use of electric vehicles (EVs) for road transport is increasing. Potential benefits for the UK include business opportunities and, in the longer term, carbon emissions savings and a reduced dependence on oil. This POSTnote focuses on the extent to which EVs could reduce carbon emissions and examines issues that would surround widespread uptake.
364 – Drug Pricing (pdf 368KB)
Four Page POSTnote, October 2010
The government intends to reform the way in which drugs purchased by the NHS are priced. It aims to ensure that drug costs more fully reflect clinical benefit and to improve patient access to new treatments. This POSTnote outlines current pricing policy and examines other options to evaluate drug pricing, including “value-based” pricing.
363 – Sea Level Rise (pdf 100KB)
Four Page POSTnote, September 2010
Global mean sea levels are projected to increase over the next century. Around the UK sea level rise will exacerbate problems of coastal flooding and erosion. This POSTnote summarizes the causes of sea level rise, and the uncertainties in and the consequences for UK climate change adaptation.
362 - Resilience of UK Infrastructure (pdf 337KB)
Four Page POSTnote, September 2010
National infrastructure, such as transport, energy, water supplies and communications, is essential to the UK. Investment is needed to improve the resilience of infrastructure to risks from existing natural hazards and any effects of future climate change. Vulnerability due to the interdependence of different infrastructure components, where failure of one may lead to failure of others, is also discussed.
361 - Space Weather (pdf 229KB)
Two page POSTnote, July 2010
Space weather can affect space- and groundbased technological systems and cause harm to human health. Monitoring space weather is crucial in order to understand and mitigate its impacts. International collaboration, stimulated by the approaching peak in solar activity, has a key role to play in this area given the global nature of space weather.
360 - Genetically Modified Insects (pdf 314KB)
Four page POSTnote, June 2010
Insects are essential to global ecology and show remarkably varied adaptations to their environment. They are also responsible for economic and social harm worldwide through the transmission of disease to humans and animals, and damage to crops. Their genetic modification has been proposed as a new way of controlling insect pests. However, regulatory guidelines governing the use of such technology have not yet been fully developed.
359 - EU Science & Technology Funding (pdf 188KB)
Four page POSTnote, June 2010
The EU Seventh Framework Programme for Research and Technological Development (FP7) is the world's largest research programme with a total budget of €53.2 billion. Based on past performance, FP7 could be worth over €7billion to the UK, about €1 billion a year. The development process of the next FP, which will replace FP7 in 2014, is underway. This POSTnote explains the FP system and current developments.
358 - Biochar (pdf 104KB)
Four page POSTnote, June 2010
Biochar is carbon rich material made by heating organic matter in low oxygen conditions. It may have the potential to reduce levels of atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2), thus helping the UK to meet its greenhouse gas emissions reductions targets. Furthermore, applying biochar to agricultural land could improve soil fertility, although research is far from definitive as results are variable. This POSTnote examines the current status of research into the production and use of biochar, the feasibility of using it to combat climate change, and any unintended consequences that may result.
357 - EU Fisheries Management (pdf 471KB)
Four page POSTnote, May 2010
The existing Common Fisheries Policy (CFP) has not delivered sustainable fisheries for Europe. In addition to lost fisheries productivity, there have been unwanted impacts on the marine environment and economically inefficient fisheries that are more vulnerable to financial shocks. The recent European Commission (EC) Green Paper on the reform of the CFP reconfirms the need to adopt an ecosystem approach to ensure the CFP supports the Marine Strategy Framework Directive. This POSTnote describes challenges to ecosystem-based fisheries management and how these might be tackled.
356 - Addictive Behaviours (pdf 319KB)
Four page POSTnote, May 2010
Behaviours such as gambling and over-eating can become compulsive and are linked to personal and social problems. This note reviews research on the addictive dimensions of gambling, eating, sex, internet use and shopping. It provides an overview of factors contributing to addictive behaviours and the personal and social consequences. It also examines the implications for treatment provision, public health and prevention strategies and industry regulation.
Science in the New Parliament (pdf 276KB)
Special four page briefing, May 2010
The Parliamentary Office of Science and Technology (POST) is the UK Parliament's in-house source of briefing and analysis on policy issues with a basis in science and technology. After every general election, POST produces a special briefing highlighting some of the main science-based issues that the new Parliament is likely to encounter. Some have already been covered by POST in its series of regular briefings for parliamentarians (POSTnotes) and others will be the subject of future notes.
355 - Space Debris (pdf 343KB)
Four page POSTnote, March 2010
Space debris consists of millions of pieces of man-made material orbiting the Earth. Debris poses a growing threat to satellites and could prevent the use of valuable orbits in the future. Many pieces of debris are too small to monitor but too large to shield satellites against. This POSTnote looks at measures to protect satellites and international agreements and guidelines to reduce the amount of debris generated. In the long term, experts agree that it will be necessary to remove debris from orbit, but this is technically and politically challenging.
354 - Global Carbon Trading (pdf 120KB)
Four page POSTnote, March 2010
The EU has a target of reducing overall greenhouse gas emissions to at least 20% below 1990 levels by 2020. To assist in achieving this legally binding goal and delivering emissions reductions at reduced economic cost, the EU Emission Trading System started in 2005, creating mandatory carbon trading within the EU. This POSTnote looks at the EU trading system's mechanisms, comparing it with operational and proposed emissions trading systems elsewhere. Prospects of linking these to form an international system, and the alternatives, are also discussed.
353 - Renewable Heating (pdf 124KB)
Four page POSTnote, March 2010
Heating accounts for almost 50% of UK energy consumption and associated carbon dioxide emissions. Renewable heating technologies could therefore make a significant contribution towards carbon reduction and renewable energy targets. This POSTnote examines the available resources and technologies for supplying renewable heating and cooling in the UK and the policy options that could support their take up. This briefing does not consider insulation or changes in consumer behaviour that can affect the overall demand for heat.
352 - Counterfeit Medicines (pdf 198KB)
Four page POSTnote, January 2010
Counterfeiting of medicines is increasing, is often linked to other criminal activities and poses risks to public health. It exposes people to medicines of unverified quality, safety and efficacy. This POSTnote considers the extent of the global counterfeit medicine trade, its impact in the UK and the technologies and policy options available to combat it. It also examines the risks and benefits of online pharmacy, one of the main ways in which counterfeits are distributed.
351 - Lighting Technology (pdf 197KB)
Four page POSTnote, January 2010
Electric lighting accounts for around one-fifth of electricity consumption, both in the UK and globally. Under recent legislation, the traditional incandescent lamp is being phased out in the UK, saving 1 million tonnes of carbon dioxide a year by 2020 (equivalent to the emissions of around 180,000 households today). This POSTnote gives an overview of energy efficient lighting currently available and under development. It examines policy initiatives to drive uptake, as well as relevant health, environmental, public perception and economic issues.
350 - Pets, Families and Interagency Working (pdf 167KB)
Four page POSTnote, January 2010
All agencies, professions and individuals who have contact with children have a duty to safeguard them. Government guidance has highlighted the need for agencies to work together and share information to achieve this aim. It has been suggested that organisations that work with animals should be included in the safeguarding agenda on the basis that there may be an association between cruelty to animals and family violence. This POSTnote examines the evidence base for this assumption, and the rationale for cross-reporting between different agencies.
349 - Diagnosing Dementia (pdf 178KB)
Four page POSTnote, January 2010
Dementia currently affects 700,000 people in the UK, yet only 1 in 3 cases receives a formal diagnosis from a doctor. Dementia costs the UK economy £17bn a year and is one of the main causes of disability in later life. A key aim of the Department of Health's 2009 National Dementia Strategy is early diagnosis. This is intended to improve quality of life through increased support, prevention of harm and reduction in care home admissions. This briefing outlines current diagnostic practices, research into newer tools and service provision proposals that aim to increase early diagnosis.
348 - Insect Pollination (pdf 135KB)
Four page POSTnote, January 2010
Many plants, including crops, depend on insects to transfer pollen between flowers. Maintaining enough insect pollinators is therefore vital for biodiversity and a diverse food supply. Declines in pollinators, particularly in Europe and the USA, have provoked claims of a global pollination crisis. This POSTnote examines the risks of pollinator decline for the UK and explores strategies to provide stable pollination services into the future.
347 - Climate Change: Engagement and Behaviour (pdf 135KB)
Four page POSTnote, January 2010
Public engagement plays an important role in UK climate policy, and is often used to promote lower carbon lifestyles or build support for policies. It can also involve the public in the design and implementation of policy on climate change. This note provides an overview of UK attitudes and behaviour relating to climate change. It outlines current engagement approaches and lessons for future policy.