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Scotland referendum 2014: timeline

Important dates and events relevant to the referendum on Scottish independence.

  • 1707 - Act of Union
  • 1934 - Establishment of Scottish National Party
  • 1998 - Scotland Act passed, devolved power to Scottish Parliament
  • 1999 - Scottish Parliament opens
  • 2011 - SNP win majority of seats in Scottish Parliament, with manifesto commitment to seek independence by referendum
  • 10 Jan 2012 - Scotland's Constitutional Future consultation paper (Cm 8203)
  • 25 Jan 2012 - Your Scotland, Your Referendum Consultation paper published
  • 25 May 2012 - Launch of Yes Scotland campaign for Yes vote
  • 26 Jun 2012 - Launch of Better Together campaign for No vote
  • 15 Oct 2012 - Edinburgh Agreement signed by Scottish and UK governments
  • 15 Jan 2013 - Section 30 order confirmed. Authority to hold referendum transferred to Scottish Parliament. (HC Deb 556 c742-840)
  • 16 Jan 2013 - Section 30 Order confirmed in Lords. (HL Deb 742, c694-756)
  • 21 Mar 2013 - Referendum date announced
  • 13 May 2013 - Launch of United with Labour Campaign
  • 07 Aug 2013 - Scottish Independence Referendum (Franchise) Bill receives Royal Assent
  • 26 Nov 2013 - Scottish Government white paper Scotland's Future: Your Guide to an independent Scotland published
  • 17 Dec 2013 - Scottish Independence Referendum Bill receives Royal Assent
  • 30 May 2014 - Start of regulated referendum period, with spending limits on registered campaigners, under Scottish Independence Referendum Act 2013
  • 22 Aug 2014 - Start of 28 day “pre-vote period” of restriction on publications relating to the referendum. Applies to Scottish Government, Scottish Parliament, Scottish public authorities and (by agreement) UK Government
  • 03 Sep 2014 - Deadline for registering to vote in Referendum
  • 18 Sep 2014 - Referendum vote in Scotland
  • 19 Sep 2014 - Results announced: 55.3% voted ‘No', 44.7% voted ‘Yes'
  • 19 Sep 2014 - Smith Commission set up by Prime Minister
  • 13 Oct 2014 - The parties published proposals on further devolution for Scotland, Cm 8946
  • 27 Nov 2014 - Smith Commission Report giving Parties'agreement and recommendations on further devolution to Scottish Parliament
  • 20 Jan 2015 - Agreement for 16 & 17 year olds to vote in Scottish Parliament Elections. Authority passed to Scottosh PArliament. (Draft Section 30 Order published)
  • 22 Jan 2015 - Draft legislation, Scotland in the United Kingdom: An enduring settlement, Cm 8990 published
  • April 2015 - Some additional tax raising powers (on land transactions and landfill), devolve to Scottish Parliament, under Scotland Act 2012
  • 7 May 2015 - Elections to UK Parliament
  • After 7 May 2015 - Publication of Scotland Bill on further devolution
  • April 2016 - Power to set Scottish rate of income tax devolves to Scottish Parliament, under Scotland Act 2012
  • 5 May 2016 - Elections to Scottish Parliament

Referendum articles

Referendum publication resources

List ofLibrary briefings, Committee reports and major reports by the UK and Scottish Governments on the referendum.