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Leader’s Group on the Working Practices of the Lords seeks views

26 October 2010

Image of UK Parliament portcullis

On 27 July 2010, the Leader of the House of Lords, Lord Strathclyde, announced the appointment of a cross-party Group 'to consider the working practices of the House and the operation of self-regulation; and to make recommendations.'

Our recommendations will cover issues of procedure, and how the House conducts the scrutiny of legislation, holds the executive to account, and conducts debates and inquiries.

Topics being considered include the procedures for scrutinising legislation (including secondary legislation), Grand Committees, select committees, self-regulation, the conduct of debates and other business, business management and scheduling, the manner of tabling business, and cooperation between the two Houses of Parliament. Other topics may also be considered.

A request for views is being sent to all Members of the House of Lords, made available to House and Members’ staff, published on the Parliamentary website, and circulated to the Lobby and others who may have evidence to offer.

The Group seeks views on what changes to the working practices of the House of Lords would enable the House to perform its functions better. Reasons for recommendations would be welcome.

Both signed and anonymous submissions are welcome. An indication of your position (Member of the House, staff of the House, staff of Members of the House, or other occupation) would be welcome. Submissions by organisations will also be welcome. All submissions will be treated in confidence by the Group, which will publish a summary along with its report.

Submissions should be emailed to Hard copy may also be sent to Susannah Street, Journal Office, House of Lords, London SW1A 0PW. All submissions will be acknowledged. We would welcome submissions by 15 November 2010.

The Group is not a select committee, and submissions will not be covered by Parliamentary privilege. For further information about the Group’s work, please email Susannah Street or call her on 020 7219 5307, or see the Leader's Group on the Working Practices of the House of Lords.