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Immigration Cap and Specialist Operations

6 September 2010

Image of UK Parliament portcullis

Tuesday 7 September 2010
Grimond Room, Portcullis House, House of Commons

Immigration Cap

This is the Committee’s second evidence session on the subject of the Government’s proposals for immigration caps. This inquiry focuses on the Government’s current proposals to cap non-EU economic migration through Tiers 1 and 2 of the points-based system in a permanent cap (the subject of two current Government consultations).

At 11.00 am

  • Professor Metcalf, Migration Advisory Committee

At approximately 11.45 am

  • Mr Anwar Hassan, Managing Director, Tata Limited
  • Mr Som Mittal, President, NASSCOM (National Association of Software and Services Companies: the bodies representing India’s IT industries)
  • Mr Hilton Dawson, CEO, British Association of Social Workers

Followed by a session on:

Specialist Operations

The session provides an opportunity to question the Assistant Commissioner for Specialist Operations about topical aspects of his role, particularly in relation to royal protection and counter-terrorism.

At 12.30 pm

  • Assistant Commissioner John Yates, QPM, Specialist Operations, Metropolitan Police