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Committee announces inquiry into the outcomes of the UN MDG Review Summit 2010

9 September 2010

Image of UK Parliament portcullis

The Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) are a series of targets for human development that were adopted by world leaders in 2000, with a deadline of 2015. They consist of eight over-arching goals with 21 quantifiable targets, measured by 60 indicators. Achievement of the MDGs is one of DFID’s central strategic objectives. 

On 20-22 September 2010, a summit in New York will review progress towards the MDGs and look ahead to the remaining five years before most of the Goals’ deadlines in 2015.

The International Development Committee is to undertake a short inquiry into the outcomes of the Summit, and DFID’s role in taking these forward.  

The Committee is calling for written evidence and is particularly interested in receiving evidence which addresses the following issues:

  • Key outcomes from the Summit;
  • DFID’s role in delivering agreed strategies;
  • The role of the UN, the World Bank, the European Commission and NGOs in securing and delivering Summit outcomes, and how these organisations will be held accountable for achieving them;
  • The role of developing countries in securing and delivering Summit outcomes;
  • Looking ahead to after the MDG deadline of 2015.

The deadline for submitting written evidence is Friday 8 October. Individuals and organisations interested in giving written evidence may find the detailed guidance for evidence to House of Commons Select Committees particularly useful.