Revised Terms of Reference: The Child Protection System in England
20 December 2011
Having taken written and begun taking oral evidence, the Education Committee has decided to refocus the scope of its inquiry into the Child Protection System.
It will continue to take into account the evidence it has already received, but will seek to focus its deliberations on three principal questions:
- The impact of neglect and the long term consequences of a delay in intervention where there is evidence of neglect;
- Older young people (especially those aged 15 to 19) and child protection;
- Thresholds for intervention, for taking children into care and for adoption.
In light of these revised terms of reference, the Committee invites additional written submissions, in accordance with the guidelines below, by Monday 23 January 2012. Submissions should be strictly confined to these three questions and are encouraged only if they add specific, new information to what has previously been submitted. It is acceptable for submissions to address one of the bullet points only.
A guide for written submissions to Select Committees may be found on the parliamentary website at: