UK Centre for Medical Research and Innovation, UKCMRI
MPs hear evidence on UK Centre for Medical Research and Innovation
1 February 2011
The Science and Technology Committee held the following oral evidence session in its inquiry into the 'UK Centre for Medical Research and Innovation'.
Wednesday 9 February 2011
Thatcher Room, Portcullis House
Watch the session: UKCMRI
At 9.15 am
- Professor Malcolm Grant, President and Provost, University College London
- Harpal Kumar, Chief Executive, Cancer Research UK
- Professor Sir John Savill, Chief Executive, Medical Research Council
- Sir Mark Walport, Chief Executive, Wellcome Trust
At 10.15 am
- Natalie Bennett, Chair, St Pancras and Somers Town Planning Action
- Rob Inglis, Press Officer, St Pancras and Somers Town Planning Action
- Frankie Biney, local resident, St Pancras and Somers Town Planning Action
Further sessions will be announced in due course.
Further information