Transport Committee: oral evidence session - Issues relating to the licensing of taxis and private hire vehicles.
11 January 2011
Oral evidence session-Issues relating to the licensing of taxis and private hire vehicles
Tuesday 18 January 2011
Wilson Room, Portcullis House*
*(Please note this is a room change and the meeting room is in Portcullis House, public entrance on the riverside.)
At 10.15 am
- Unite the Union
Tommy McIntyre - National Taxi Representative
John Neal - Transport Researcher - GMB
Mick Rix, National Officer, Commercial Services Sector
Michael Hildreth, Secretary, Professional Drivers Taxis & Private Hire - Skyline Taxis
Gavin Sokhi
At 10.50 am
- Blue Line Taxis
Ian Shanks, Partner - David B Wilson
- Delta Taxis
Paul McLaughlin, Company Secretary - South Sefton Hackney Drivers’ Association
Richard Jarman, Company Secretary - Addison Lee
John Griffin
At 11.30 am
- Myles Bebbington
- Liverpool City Council
Damien Edwards, Licensing Officer - Milton Keynes Council
Councillor Cec Tallack, Leader Milton Keynes Council - Northumberland Council
Philip Soderquest, Public Safety and Enforcement Manager
These timings are approximate and the sessions may start slightly earlier or later than advertised.