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Effective road and traffic management inquiry - deadline extension

17 January 2011

Image of UK Parliament portcullis

Extension of deadline for Committee inquiry

The deadline for written evidence has been extended to Monday 28 February 2011.

The terms of reference for the inquiry, as set out in the press release announcing the inquiry (23 November 2010), are included below:

The Transport Committee is to undertake an inquiry into effective road and traffic management, in the light of the Government’s decision not to introduce road pricing on existing roads (except in relation to HGVs).

The Committee wishes to examine how roads and traffic can be better managed in order to reduce congestion, encompassing both the major road network and urban roads. It would particularly welcome written evidence on:

• the prevalence and impact of traffic congestion and likely future trends;
• the extent to which the Government and local authorities should intervene to alleviate congestion and the best means of doing so;
• the extent to which road user culture and behaviour undermines effective traffic management, including the relevance to today’s road users of the Highway Code;
• intelligent traffic management schemes, such as the scheme which has operated on the M42, and their impact on congestion and journey times;
• the effectiveness of legislative provisions for road management under the New Roads and Street Works Act 1991 and the Traffic Management Act 2004; and
• the impact of bus lanes and other aspects of road layout.

The Committee would welcome evidence about congestion and road and traffic management in specific locations in England, as well as submissions covering broader themes. Oral evidence will be heard in the New Year.

Notes on the submission of written evidence
It assists the Committee if those submitting written evidence adhere to the following guidelines:

1. Written submissions should be as short as is consistent with conveying the relevant information. As a rough guide, it is usually helpful if they can be confined to six pages or less. Paragraphs should be numbered for ease of reference. A single-page summary of the main points is sometimes helpful. The submission should be in a form suitable for monochrome photocopying.

2. Evidence should be submitted in Word or Rich Text format, by e-mail to The body of the e-mail should include a contact name, telephone number and postal address. It should be absolutely clear who the submission is from, particularly whether it is on behalf of an organisation or in the name of an individual.

3. Once accepted by the Committee, written evidence becomes the Committee’s property and it may decide to publish it or make other public use of it. If the Committee decides to accept your contribution as evidence we will email you formally accepting it as such. An acknowledgement of formal acceptance will be sent once all formalities have been completed. You may publicise or publish your submission yourself, once you receive the formal acceptance of your evidence to the Committee. When doing so, please indicate that it has been submitted to the Committee.

4. Though the Committee is happy to receive copies of published material, formal submissions of evidence should be original work and not published elsewhere.

5. Committee staff are happy to give more detailed guidance on giving evidence to a select committee, or further advice on any aspect of the Committee’s work, by phone or e-mail.