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Debate 19 July

Arrangments for Pre-Recess Adjournment Debate: Tuesday 19 July

12 July 2011

Image of UK Parliament portcullis

The Backbench Business Committee has received notice from 60 Members that they wish to take part in the pre-recess debate on Tuesday 19 July. The Committee has decided to allow the full day for this debate and has grouped these Members and subjects into six parts, as follows:

  • Issues relating to the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills
  • Issues relating to the Department of Health
  • Issues relating to the Department for Communities and Local Government
  • Issues relating to the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs
  • Issues relating to the Home Office
  • General Debate

For the first five parts, a Minister from the department will be invited to respond to the issues raised.

The second part of the debate will enable Members to raise any other subjects. The Deputy Leader of the House is expected to reply to this general debate. The Committee expects each Member to receive a substantive written reply from the department to the points raised unless they are dealt with fully in the Deputy Leader of the House's reply.

The names of those Members who have indicated to the Committee that they wish to participate in the debate are listed below along with the subject they wish to raise. The speaking order will be decided by the occupant of the Chair on the day.

The Committee recommends that the time available on the day should be divided evenly between the Members who have applied to take part in these debates. Each of the first five parts should take less than an hour, leaving up to two hours for the general debate at the end. Backbench Members should expect to speak for about five minutes and Ministers for not more than 10 minutes. Shadow Ministers are not expected to respond to the debate. Members are expected to attend throughout the debate for which they are grouped.

Members who have submitted a request to speak on Tuesday 19 July

Member Subject Department
Lilian Greenwood English for speakers of other languages (ESOL) Business , Innovation and Skills

Keith Vaz Liquidation of Bank of Credit and Commerce International
Robert Halfon Horology in the UK
Martin Vickers The economy of northern Lincolnshire
Julian Smith Yorkshire and the location of the Green Investment Bank
Eric Joyce Regulation of FTSE 100 companies
Nic Dakin English for speakers of other languages (ESOL)
Paul Blomfield Equality Impact Assessment on ESOL funding
Justin Tomlinson Swindon town centre regeneration
Steve McCabe The Cube, Birmingham
Dr Daniel Poulter Mental Health services Health

Nick Smith Importance of exercise to health and well-being

Chris Skidmore

Use of NHS services by foreign nationals
Mr Gary Streeter Disabled children in South West Devon
Pauline Latham Cancer drugs fund
Barbara Keeley Social care provision and impact of NHS re-organisation on local services
Tony Lloyd Southern Cross
Mark Hendrick Government policy on shisha smoking
George Freeman Potential contribution of the NHS to medical innovation and economic growth
Richard Graham National Audit Office report on Fire Control Centres: lessons learned Communities and Local Government

Dr Julian Huppert Planning and Mill Road, Cambridge
Pat Glass Business rates
Duncan Hames Neighbourhood planning and the National Planning Policy Framework
Chris Kelly Roaming horses Environment, Food and Rural Affairs

Jason McCartney Safeguarding the green belt in rural areas
Dr Alan Whitehead Landfill ban on recyclable waste
Neil Parish Tuberculosis in cattle in Tiverton and Honiton constituency
Andrew Percy Future of the Bioethanol Industry
Debbie Abrahams Sustainable food and energy production
Mark Lancaster Use of the drug khat Home

Yasmin Qureshi Fortalice women's refuge, Bolton
Caroline Lucas Evidence based drugs policy
Bob Blackman Tackling youth crime
Jane Ellison Female genital mutilation
James Morris Tackling crime
John Stevenson Radio Cumbria and local media Culture, Media and Sport
Dan Jarvis Strategic Defence and Security Review Defence
Stephen Gilbert St Austell's city status bid Deputy Prime Minister

John Mann Election petitions
Andrew Selous Returning Officers
Jo Swinson Body confidence lessons in schools Education
Andrea Leadsom Sex and relationship education in primary schools
Paul Flynn Situation in Fukushima Energy and Climate Change

Joseph Johnson Mandatory automatic standby for TV set-top boxes
Chris Heaton-Harris Renewable energy
Andrew Bingham Rebated fuel oils and mountain rescue vehicles HM Treasury

Mr Gareth Thomas Relationship between the Royal Bank of Scotland and Davenham Trust Ltd
Alun Cairns Management, administration and regulation of the Arch Cru Investment Fund
John Hemming Freedom of Speech Justice
Martin Caton Improving safety for cyclists on roads Tansport
Mark Pawsey Issuing of parking fines on private land
Mrs Madeleine Moon Disability and sickness benefits Work and Pensions

John McDonnell Adequacy of child support arrangements
Mr Tom Clarke Employment and economy in Coatbridge, Chryston and Bellshill constituency
Priti Patel General
Bob Russell General
Mel Stride General
Kris Hopkins General
Mr David Amess General
Jim Shannon General
Christopher Pincher General