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Does 'X' really mark the spot? Electoral Commission to be questioned by Lords

22 June 2011

Image of UK Parliament portcullis

Electoral Commission Chair, Jenny Watson, appears before the House of Lords Constitution Committee on Wednesday 22 June.


At 10.15am, Wednesday 22 June, Committee Room 1, Palace of Westminster

  • Jenny Watson, Electoral Commission Chair

The Committee will ask about the two referendums which the Electoral Commission recently ran on the electoral system and on further Welsh devolution. It is expected to explore questions including:

  • whether the Electoral Commission required too many ballot papers to be printed
  • whether voters were confused by the combined polls on 5 May for the referendum and for devolved and local elections
  • whether the refusal of the Welsh 'no' campaign to be officially designated highlights a significant flaw in the relevant legislation.

Questions are also likely to cover:

  • the Electoral Commission's role in relation to future planning on elections and referendums in the UK. The Electoral Commission Chair has said that she would like to see "fundamental reform" of aspects of the UK's electoral administration
  • the Electoral Commission's potential role relating to any future referendum on Scottish independence

Further information