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Secretary of State to give Evidence on DFID's work in Fragile and Conflict-Affected States: DRC, Rwanda and Burundi

Secretary of State questioned on working with fragile, conflict-affected states

14 October 2011

Image of UK Parliament portcullis

The Rt Hon Andrew Mitchell MP, Secretary of State for International Development will give evidence to the International Development Select Committe on Thursday 20 October 2011, Committee Room 15 on the inquiry into Working Effectively in Fragile and Conflict-Affected States: DRC, Rwanda and Burudi.

This is the final session for the inquiry into DFID’s work in fragile and conflict-affected states. It focuses on the main themes of the inquiry as set out in the terms of reference. These are: 

a)   what the priorities for DFID and the UK Government should be around conflict-affected states;

b)   whether DFID is using the best methods of delivering assistance and how it measures results;

c)   how effective DFID’s work is in key areas such as governance and security sector reform; and

d)   how well DFID works with other Government departments and other donors.