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eu emissions trading system

Emissions Trading System- second evidence session

7 October 2011

Image of UK Parliament portcullis

The Energy and Climate Change Committee will hold the second evidence session of its inquiry on the EU Emissions Trading System at 10.30 am on Tuesday 11 October 2011 in Committee Room 21, Palace of Westminster.


Who will give evidence?

At 10.30 am the Committee will hear from

  • Damian Ryan, The Climate Group
  • Mark Brownrigg, Director General, Chamber of Shipping
  • Dr Andre Stochniol, expert consultant for the Catholic Overseas Development Agency
  • Prof Joanne Scott, Professor of European Law, University College London

At 11.30 am

  • Imtiaz Ahmad, International Emissions Trading Association
  • Miles Austin, Director, Carbon Market Investors Association
  • Trevor Sikorski, Director, Barclay’s Capital

Timings are approximate.


What will be covered?

The session will explore a range of issues, including:

  • The aviation sector in the EU Emissions Trading System
  • Dealing with emissions from international shipping
  • How the EU Emissions Trading System can help to meet the UK’s climate change targets
  • The economic impacts of the EU Emissions Trading System
  • Whether the EU can sustain a credible carbon price without a global deal
  • How to cooperate with other countries to achieve a fair deal on climate change