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cycling safety, transport minister

Twitter questions for ministers on cycling safety requested

16 April 2012

Image of UK Parliament portcullis

What cycle safety question would you like MPs to ask transport ministers Mike Penning and Norman Baker?

As part of an inquiry currently examining the Government’s road safety strategy, on 24 April the Transport Committee will take oral evidence about the safety issues facing the growing numbers of cyclists on roads in town and country.

At this session the Committee will question transport ministers Mike Penning and Norman Baker, who are responsible for the Government’s policies on road safety and cycling. MPs want to ensure that their questions to these ministers reflect the most pressing safety concerns for cyclists using UK roads.

As part of the evidence session the Committee will also hear evidence from newscaster and cycling advocate Jon Snow, Times newspaper Editor and cycling campaigner James Harding and cycling advocate and author Josie Dew.

Submit your question via twitter, by adding the hashtag #AskCycleMinisters to your tweet, by 11am on Friday 20 April.