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Private Members' bills Procedure Committee Oral evidence

Oral evidence to be taken from MPs on Private Members' Bills

14 December 2012

Image of UK Parliament portcullis

The Procedure Committee will hold a second oral evidence session in connection with private Members’ bills on Wednesday 19 December 2012 in Committee Room 20, Upper Committee Corridor, House of Commons.

The witnesses are appearing at 3.05 pm:

Christopher Chope MP
Philip Davies MP
Rebecca Harris MP

An uncorrected transcript of the evidence session will appear on the Committee’s website within about a week of the date of the session.

The Procedure Committee is undertaking an inquiry into private Members’ bills. Private Members’ bills are bills initiated by backbench MPs rather than Government ministers.

The Committee put out a call for written evidence on this matter on 29 November 2012. The deadline for written evidence is Thursday 10 January 2013. E-mail submissions are preferred and should be in Word format (not PDF) and sent to Postal submissions should be sent to the Clerk, Procedure Committee, Journal Office, House of Commons, London  SW1A 0AA. Further information can be obtained from the Clerk at this address or by telephone on 0207 219 3318.  The terms of reference for this inquiry can be found at:

Guidance for those wishing to attend select committee meetings held in public can be found at: