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Sustainable Communities Act 2007, scrutiny

Post-legislative scrutiny of legislation of Sustainable Communities Act 2007

20 December 2012

Image of UK Parliament portcullis

Sustainable Communities Act 2007

The Committee invites written submissions on the operation of the Sustainable Communities Act 2007. Following receipt of a memorandum (795 KB PDF) from the Department for Communities and Local Government reviewing the Act, the Committee has decided to carry out post-legislative scrutiny of the legislation. The Committee wishes to focus on the effectiveness of the legislation, specifically, to examine the whether the Act has met its policy objectives and is operating effectively. The Committee invites written submissions from interested parties by 2pm on 28 February 2013.

To assist those submitting memoranda the Committee has identified the following matters which they may wish to address, though relevant submissions on all aspects of the 2007 Act are welcome.

  1. Has the 2007 Act operated to meet the aim of the legislation, which was to promote the sustainability of local communities by recognising that local people know best what needs to be done to promote the sustainability of their area? Has the 2007 Act provided an effective channel for local people to ask government to take action? Has the legislation enabled local communities to get involved in proposals to help improve the sustainability of their local communities? Is it possible to identify positive outcomes for communities achieved as a result of the 2007 Act?
  2. The 2007 Act was amended by the Sustainable Communities Act 2007 (Amendment) Act 2010. Have the changes made the legislation more effective? Are any further changes required?
  3. Should the legislation be extended to town and parish councils?
  4. Local Spending Reports are a requirement of the 2007 Act. Have they given local people increased influence over local spending priorities?

The Committee will review the written submissions received before deciding whether to hold oral evidence sessions or producing a report.

Submissions should be no more than 3,000 words and should be labelled with the subject 'Review of Sustainable Communities Act 2007', sent to, attached in Word format (with as little use of colour or logos as possible) and be accompanied by a covering email containing the name and contact details of the individual submitting evidence. A detailed guide for written submissions to Select Committees may be found on the parliamentary website at: It should be noted that written evidence is often published and made available in a report and on the internet.

It is helpful, for Data Protection purposes, for contact details not to be included in the text of submissions, but sent separately in a covering letter. You should be aware that there may be circumstances in which the House of Commons will be required to communicate information to third parties on request, in order to comply with its obligations under the Freedom of Information Act 2000.