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Access to Ports inquiry news

Transport Committee announces new inquiry into Access to Ports

6 December 2012

Image of UK Parliament portcullis

The Transport Committee intends to inquire into the Government’s policy and provision for access to ports

New Inquiry – Access to Ports

Terms of reference and call for evidence

The Committee would like to hear views on the adequacy of access to ports, current and planned, and the likely consequences of Government policy in this area. In particular:

  • What should be the priorities for improved access to ports, and why?
  • Is the delay in producing a National Policy Statement for National Road and Rail Networks creating problems for improving access to ports? If so, in what ways and where?
  • How satisfactory are the current and proposed decision-making structures, including Local Transport Boards?
  • To what extent can investment in road and rail infrastructure influence the market and regional decision-making on port development?
  • Are decisions on port development taking sufficient account of the traffic generated by ports and associated development needs?
  • How realistic are current assumptions about rail’s modal share of ports traffic? Under what circumstances could rail freight or inland shipping play a greater role in reducing port-related road freight?
  • Are there any regulatory barriers to investment in ports? What could and should be done about them?

Written evidence would be welcome on these issues from any individual or organisation with a view on these issues. We would be grateful to receive written submissions by Monday 21 January 2013.

Notes on the submission of written evidence
It assists the Committee if those submitting written evidence adhere to the following guidelines:

1. Written submissions should be as short as is consistent with conveying the relevant information. As a rough guide, it is helpful if they can be confined to six pages or less. Paragraphs should be numbered for ease of reference. A summary of the main points at the start of the submission is sometimes helpful.

2. Evidence should be submitted by e-mail to in Word or Rich Text format, with as little use of colour and images as possible. If you wish to submit written evidence to the Committee in another format you must contact a member of staff to discuss this. The body of the e-mail should include a contact name, telephone number and postal address. It should be absolutely clear who the submission is from, particularly whether it is on behalf of an organisation or in the name of an individual.

3. Once accepted by the Committee, written evidence becomes the Committee’s property and it may decide to publish it or make other public use of it. If the Committee decides to accept your contribution as evidence we will email you formally accepting it as such. You may publicise or publish your submission yourself, once you receive the formal acceptance of your evidence to the Committee. When doing so, please indicate that it has been submitted to the Committee.

4. The Committee will publish the majority of written evidence that is received, but some submissions will be placed in the Parliamentary Archives for public inspection rather than being printed or published online. If you do not wish your submission to be made public, you must clearly say so, and should contact a member of staff to discuss this. Though the Committee is happy to receive copies of published material or correspondence sent to other parties, formal submissions of evidence should be original work produced for the Committee and not published elsewhere.

5. Committee staff are happy to give more detailed guidance on giving evidence to a select committee, or further advice on any aspect of the Committee’s work, by phone or e-mail.

Additional information on submitting evidence to a Select Committee is available online in the House of Commons Guide to Witnesses.