International Development Committee begins it's inquiry into EU Development Assistance
18 January 2012
International Development Committee takes evidence from BOND, Christian Aid, Open Europe and the Overseas Development Institute
Parliament TV: EU Development Assistance
Inquiry: EU Development Assistance
Tuesday 24 January 2012, Committee Room 5, Palace of Westminster
At 10:30 am:
- Romina Vegro, EU Policy Officer
Christian Aid
- Jenny Brown, Senior EU Relations Adviser
At 11:30 am:
Open Europe
- Mats Persson, Director
- Stephen Booth, Research Director
European Development Cooperation Strengthening Programme
(EDCSP), Overseas Development Institute
- Simon Maxwell, Senior Research Associate, ODI and Sian Herbert Research/Project Officer, European Development Cooperation Strengthening Programme (EDCSP), ODI
This is the first evidence session for the inquiry into EU Development Assistance. It covers the four main themes of the inquiry:
a) the comparative advantage of the EC as a donor;
b) the new Agenda for Change;
c) future funding for development cooperation;
d) policy coherence for development.
The first panel is comprised of NGOs who work on EU development policy and the second from two think tanks: Open Europe and the European Development Cooperation Strengthening Programme at the Overseas Development Institute.
Further Information
About Parliament: Select Committees
Visiting Parliament: Watch Committees
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