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Committee receives Olympic Security answers from Home Secretary

19 July 2012

Image of UK Parliament portcullis

Rt. Hon Keith Vaz MP, the Chairman of the Home Affairs Select Committee has received a letter from the Home Secretary with additional information on the failure of G4S to provide the contracted number of guards at Olympic venues across the UK.

The letter outlines four separate reports into the security situation that were conducted in the past 12 months and the details of meetings between LOCOG, G4S and the Home Office in June 2012 where shortfalls were discussed.

The Home Secretary also outlines the £585.2m of contracts that the Home Office currently holds with G4S. This figure does not include all policing contracts.

The Committee has written to the Home Secretary to call for the report by HM Inspector of Constabulary into Olympic security; and to LOCOG to call for the report by the consultancy firm Deloitte into G4S’s work on the Olympics contract. The Committee has also written to Paul Deighton, Chief Executive of LOCOG and James Brokenshire MP the Minister of Crime and Security requesting additional information. The Committee has asked for replies to these letters in September when its hearings will resume.

Committee Chair Rt Hon Keith Vaz MP said:

“I am most surprised that G4S have found themselves in this position considering that four separate reports into Olympics security were conducted in the last 12 months.

We must know the figures that these monthly internal assurance reports revealed and why they did not ring alarm bells sooner.

The Home Secretary told the House that she only became aware of a shortfall on the 11th July. However this letter clearly states they were warned of a possible shortfall in guards on the 27th June at the Olympic Security Board, two weeks before.

We now know there must have been serious concerns as some 725 military personnel were deployed and contingencies started to be made before the 11th July.”

The Home Secretary is due to appear before the Committee on Tuesday 11th September 2012

Inquiry: Olympics security