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Committee Work Round Up: June-July 2012

12 July 2012

Image of UK Parliament portcullis


The Economic and Financial Affairs Sub-Committee has now completed its inquiry into the Markets in Financial Instruments Regulation and Directive (MiFD II) proposals, publishing its report, MIFID II: Getting it Right for the City and EU Financial Services, on 10 July. the External Affairs Sub-Committee and the Agriculture, Fisheries, Environment and Energy Sub-Committee intend to bring their inquiries into Somali Piracy and Operation Atalanta and the EU Sugar Regime to close by the end of the month.

On 15 June, the Internal Market, Infrastructure and Employment Sub-Committee launched an inquiry into possible EU-level quotas for female board members. The Call for Evidence for the inquiry is open, and the Sub-Committee welcomes submissions from all interested groups and individuals.

On 9 July, the Justice, Insititutions and Consumer Protection Sub-Committee launched an inquiry into combating fraud against the EU's finances. The Call for Evidence for the inquiry is open, and the Sub-Committee welcomes submissions from all interested groups and individuals.

The Home Affairs, Health and Education Sub-Committee's inquiry on global migration and mobility continues, and is expected to report in the autumn. The Sub-Committee has recently heard from the Swedish Government Minister on Migration and Open Europe. The transcripts and videos of these, and all other evidence sessions held by the Committees, are available on our web pages.


In June and July, a number of the Committee's reports have been debated in the House. The Select Committee's reports on The EU Financial Framework from 2012 and The Multiannual Financial Framework 2014-2020 were debated on 19 June with Lord Sassoon (Commercial Secretary to the Treasury) responding for the Govenrment. The report prepared by the Economic and Financial Affairs Sub-Committee, Towards a Financial Transaction Tax? was debated on 11 July, with Lord De Mauley responding for the Government. The report prepared by the Home Affairs, Health and Education Sub-Committee, The EU Drugs Strategy, will be debated on 19 July.


Over the last few weeks, the Economic and Financial Affairs Sub-Committee has been scrutinising the draft EU Budget for 2013 and the latest elements of the EU Semester. The Justice and Institutions Sub-Committee, which recently took over responsibility for consumer protection issues, has been scrutinising the European Consumer Agenda and proposals for a common sales law in the EU.


On 25 June, Lord Cameron of Dillington represented the Select Committee at an interparliamentary committee meeting on the Reform of the Common Agriculture Poilcy in Brussels.

On  26 and 27 June, Lord Boswell visited Brussels as the new Chairman of the Committee to meet with UK MEPs, the Secretary General of the European Parliament, the Vice President of the Commission responsible for inter-institutional relations, and a number of other senior officials.

On 8 and 9 July, Lord Boswell attended the COSAC Chairpersons meeting in Limassol, Cyprus. At the meeting, the Chairman heard from Mr Andreas Mavroyiannis, the Deputy Minister for EU Affairs, and Mr Gunther Oettinger, the EU Commissioner for Energy.

Over the summer, Select Committee members are expected to represent the House at an interparliamentary conference on Common Foreign and Security Policy and Common Security and Defence Policy (CFSP and CSDP0, and a conference of Chairmen of Justice and Home Affairs Committees.