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Motion to debate phone hacking report tabled in Commons

22 May 2012

Image of UK Parliament portcullis

The Speaker has given precedence to a matter of privilege and there will be a debate on 22 May 2012 about the Culture, Media and Sport Committee's report on News International and phone-hacking.

John Whittingdale MP, Chair of the Culture, Media and Sport Committee, has today tabled the following motion in the House of Commons:

That this House notes the conclusions set out in chapter 8 of the Eleventh Report from the Culture, Media and Sport Committee, Session 2010–12, on News International and Phone-hacking, HC 903-I, and orders That the matter be referred to the Committee on Standards and Privileges.

The debate will take place mid-afternoon after any statements. The motion can be debated, amended and can be agreed by the House as a whole, or go to a division-a vote-to be agreed or not.

Watch the debate on Parliament TV

Watch the debate from around 3.30pm

Read the report and find out more about the inquiry

Find out more about contempt and select committees

Read a note from the Clerk of the House following the publication of the Culture, Media and Sport Committee report on phone-hacking.

Further Information